View Full Version : Terrified doctors missed something!? Please help me :(

20-07-17, 11:20
Sorry to be posting here again! I posted not long ago about getting headaches every time I stand up/bend over/etc. Well these headaches got worse, so I went to get checked out. Got referred to an optician by my GP who said it could be eye-related. Optician found a haemhorrage at the back of my left eye and was concerned about the symptoms I had being related to this bleed. So he urgently referred me to a hospital for tests. Scary!!!

I spent all day yesterday in hospital having tests, including having bloods taken, blood pressure readings, giving a urine sample and having a CT scan. Docs said CT was clear, bloods were perfectly normal (so no infections) and nothing else was found in any of the tests. They listened to my heart and said it sounded absolutely fine and my chest was clear so heart infection can be ruled out. I saw 5-6 doctors yesterday and none of them can figure out what's wrong with me!!! They did tell me that I had tonsillitis though so the headaches might be caused by that. But I've had headaches for 2 weeks and tonsillitis for only 3 days... unless it was in my system before but didn't show up physically? I dont knowwwwww :shrug:

I was discharged on the assumption that it's nothing and will go away on its own... They said they wanted to call me back in soon to check on my optic disc haemorrhage, but they're not too concerned with it as they tend to disappear on their own usually.

For some reason I've got the idea that they've missed something... But surely they wouldn't discharge me if they were concerned it could still be something sinister?

Admittedly the headache isn't as severe as it was the other day so maybe it's finally getting better???? I don't know :( Either way I'm scared. I made the mistake of Googling it as well and it said something about Intracranial Hypotension (it listed papilloedema in the symptoms which is a bleed on your eye!!!!!) so now it is the focus of my worries. Why do I do this to myself? :wacko:

I've got a doc's appt next week (in 5 days) so if it hasn't gone by then I'm definitely requesting more tests.

Sorry for ramblings... Please someone reassure me that I'm not gonna die. I'm so so so scared, I'm literally sat here trembling. I'm supposed to be working but I just can't concentrate on anything other than this crazy idea I'm gonna drop dead :weep:

20-07-17, 11:41
Your headaches are probably being brought on by stress.. you're stressing out about it. Neck muscles tensing up constantly will cause tension headaches. If you've been through all that extensive testing. You are fine.. You won't listen to the doctors I don't expect you to listen to anyone on here. If the experts say you're fine. You are fine. Stop worrying and the headaches will go. Go meditate in a darkened room with some relaxing music and chillaxxxxxxxxxxxx

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20-07-17, 11:50
Your headaches are probably being brought on by stress.. you're stressing out about it. Neck muscles tensing up constantly will cause tension headaches. If you've been through all that extensive testing. You are fine.. You won't listen to the doctors I don't expect you to listen to anyone on here. If the experts say you're fine. You are fine. Stop worrying and the headaches will go. Go meditate in a darkened room with some relaxing music and chillaxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

Hahaha I just realised, you're probably right - if I don't listen to the doctors why would I listen to anyone here? :unsure:

You know, you might be right. The headaches did start when I was going through a really tough time with my brother being violent... so maybe that caused it and then stressing about the headaches made them worse? I have noticed a correlation between how stressed I am and how bad the pain is...

Thanks so much. Sometimes you just need a bit of reassurance. I know I'm being stupid lol. Just wish it was easier to calm yourself down :doh:

20-07-17, 11:59
Hahaha I just realised, you're probably right - if I don't listen to the doctors why would I listen to anyone here? :unsure:

You know, you might be right. The headaches did start when I was going through a really tough time with my brother being violent... so maybe that caused it and then stressing about the headaches made them worse? I have noticed a correlation between how stressed I am and how bad the pain is...

Thanks so much. Sometimes you just need a bit of reassurance. I know I'm being stupid lol. Just wish it was easier to calm yourself down :doh:Sounds like a pretty stressful situation. Probably best to avoid your brother when he's being like that.

Just remember when your pain is there. Think about what you may be stressed about. If you're not stressed it's probably still your neck muscles adjusting..

I'm not sure how you are financially but if you have money try getting a spa day booked. There are simple self neck massage videos on YouTube. Maybe you could have a look into some of them? Food for thought. [emoji4] here's hoping your headaches go away soon and you update that it was just stressing causing them.

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20-07-17, 15:52
Update... I just found out Doxycycline (which I was taking when the symptoms started) can cause increased Intracranial Pressure... I've been off the medication for 2 weeks now but still having these headaches. Surely they'd have picked up on Intracranial Pressure with the CT scan? They didn't tell me they were testing for it... so maybe they didn't...

Oh god :scared15:

21-07-17, 09:30
Give it one more week since you may have a bit of the medication in your system but I'm pretty sure they would have noticed if there was a higher intracranial pressure..

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Gary A
21-07-17, 10:20
Pappilidema would cause bilateral optic disc swelling and bulging, meaning it would affect both eyes. Your bleed was only in the left eye, and that's most likely why they never considered pappilidema.

If they even had a 1% thought of pappilidema you'd have been given a lumbar puncture. Generally, pappilidema causes high blood pressure. Again, your blood pressure was normal.

21-07-17, 10:41
Pappilidema would cause bilateral optic disc swelling and bulging, meaning it would affect both eyes. Your bleed was only in the left eye, and that's most likely why they never considered pappilidema.

If they even had a 1% thought of pappilidema you'd have been given a lumbar puncture. Generally, pappilidema causes high blood pressure. Again, your blood pressure was normal.

Hi Gary,
Thanks for this. Yeah the optician and opthalmologist both said they don't see any swelling of the disc etc. And yeah, it was just in the one eye. Thanks for your reassurance :flowers:

I think my blood pressure caused the bleed, personally. I'm not a doctor but they only tested my blood pressure while I was sitting still... I get all my symptoms after standing up etc... so I'm toying with the idea of postural hypertension or something along those lines now. The optician did say high blood pressure can cause blood vessels to burst in your eyes, it's just unfortunate that mine's behind my eye :doh:

They're keeping check on the bleed anyway, I have another appointment in 5 days. Pretty scared but hoping it'll show signs of clearing up :shrug:

Gary A
21-07-17, 11:05
Optic disc bleeds can just happen. They occur in people with glaucoma, but you clearly don't have that given your eye examinations. In most cases, there really isn't a particular reason for it.

Raised ICP is quite distinctive, it's not something a team of doctors will miss. The symptoms are also pretty intense, like morning headaches, vomiting, wooshing noises in the ears and visual disturbances in both eyes.

Your CT scan has ruled out a problem in the skull, your ophthalmologist and optometrist have spotted no signs of pappiledema and you really don't have any symptoms of it either.

Personally, I would chalk this up to coincidence. Your headaches are most likely stress related and the optic disc bleed is most probably something that you'd never have known about until you were referred for an eye examination.

You simply would not have been discharged if there were any reason whatsoever for them to suspect a sinister cause. Granted, the symptoms sound alarming when put together, but subsequent tests have ruled out anything nasty.

I'd wager that if you relax a bit more you'll probably find that the symptoms simply disappear.

21-07-17, 11:46
Optic disc bleeds can just happen. They occur in people with glaucoma, but you clearly don't have that given your eye examinations. In most cases, there really isn't a particular reason for it.

Raised ICP is quite distinctive, it's not something a team of doctors will miss. The symptoms are also pretty intense, like morning headaches, vomiting, wooshing noises in the ears and visual disturbances in both eyes.

Your CT scan has ruled out a problem in the skull, your ophthalmologist and optometrist have spotted no signs of pappiledema and you really don't have any symptoms of it either.

Personally, I would chalk this up to coincidence. Your headaches are most likely stress related and the optic disc bleed is most probably something that you'd never have known about until you were referred for an eye examination.

You simply would not have been discharged if there were any reason whatsoever for them to suspect a sinister cause. Granted, the symptoms sound alarming when put together, but subsequent tests have ruled out anything nasty.

I'd wager that if you relax a bit more you'll probably find that the symptoms simply disappear.

Yeah, I had 9359854 tests done on my eyes :D from OCT scans, field tests, pressure tests, loads of stuff, so pretty sure Glaucoma is ruled out!

The optometrist also said that if I wasn't having headaches he would've just told me to go home and that the bleed will just clear on it's own. The only reason he referred me is because I was getting headaches.

The hospital doctors did ask if I'd vomited and such and I haven't. The headaches also seem better in the morning for me?! Laying down makes my headache go away too which I know isn't in-line with ICP either? :) Headaches are nowhere near as severe as they were a week ago. In fact, I'd call it very 'mild' now, and I know ICP headaches are severe.

Thanks so much for your reassurance, I was finding it hard to accept it as just a coincidence but you're right, I've had all precautions taken, a whole department of doctors check me over and every scan under the sun.

Sincerely, thank you. I feel a little better after reading your input.

Gary A
21-07-17, 13:40
Yeah, I had 9359854 tests done on my eyes :D from OCT scans, field tests, pressure tests, loads of stuff, so pretty sure Glaucoma is ruled out!

The optometrist also said that if I wasn't having headaches he would've just told me to go home and that the bleed will just clear on it's own. The only reason he referred me is because I was getting headaches.

The hospital doctors did ask if I'd vomited and such and I haven't. The headaches also seem better in the morning for me?! Laying down makes my headache go away too which I know isn't in-line with ICP either? :) Headaches are nowhere near as severe as they were a week ago. In fact, I'd call it very 'mild' now, and I know ICP headaches are severe.

Thanks so much for your reassurance, I was finding it hard to accept it as just a coincidence but you're right, I've had all precautions taken, a whole department of doctors check me over and every scan under the sun.

Sincerely, thank you. I feel a little better after reading your input.

No problem at all.