View Full Version : Left ribs popping*/full

20-07-17, 12:17
I'm having a fullness/uncomfortable pain under my left bottom ribs. Tender to touch and a popping sound when bending over. Freaking out. Please help me.
I Don't need painkillers it's not that kind of pain. More uncomfortable, worse when sitting. Very tender.
Stitch like?
Can also feel pulse pounding there if that makes sense.
What is it :(

21-07-17, 00:37
Hey! I'm going through the same thing. It's like a fullness or pressure in my lower left rib. In that space it's ubicated part of the stomach, part of the colon and the spleen, fundamentally. I'm fearing that maybe my spleen can be enlarged, but I don't really think that it's possible...
I have problems like acid reflux and stomach aches sometimes since very long time ago, but this kind of "pressure" in the left side started four/five months ago. It comes and goes, but at least once a month I can feel it and lasts between one week or two.
Maybe I should see an specialist to check it out, but I'm a so tired of running to the doctor for every symptom, I'm always expecting the worst case scenario but it never happens. Our mind it's so tricky.