View Full Version : Left arm pain / Cubital tunnel syndrome

20-07-17, 13:55
Hi Guys,

Anxious Annie here, for about two weeks I have had this ache in my arm ...well my both arms but now its just my left one,
The past three days it has become pretty intense and is draining me ,it constantly feels like I have banged my funny bone,

For about five years now every three or four weeks I get the worst shooting pain in my left little finger which lasts a minute or so but ive learned to deal with that,
But now I'm reading a lot and wondering weather they are connected,
Cubital tunnel syndrome has come up a lot as the pain and ache I'm feeling is at the back of my arm through my elbow and onto my hand.

I do work in an office and lean on my desk, I also sleep with my elbow bent under my pillow,

I am getting very anxious and having mini panic attacks over it thinking all sorts,

Can anyone make me feel a bit calmer:roflmao:

Thank You :yesyes:

21-07-17, 21:01
do u ever get spasms/twitches in your fingers? like when they jolt back and forth? For awhile now Ive thought ive had cubital tunnel....but not so much pain though

21-07-17, 23:46
Hi, i had terrible pain from my elbow to my little finger, sounds similar to you. My doctor said it was likely a trapped ulnar nerve. I think I caused it vigorously painting!Still two months on it hurts, horrible shootingredients pain when I move the wrong way. Have you been to the doctor to see if he can give you anything ?or I know there are exercises which can help also the positions you rest your arm in can make a difference. I was finding having mines bent under pillow at night would set it of so I try sleeping with it straight. Hope you find some relief from it soon, take care x

22-07-17, 23:15
For about five years now I have had this awful shooting pain that resorts me to tears it only lasts about a minute and I get it every four weeks or so but I have kind of got used to it and never throught anything of it....but it's the left finger which makes sense as the ulnar nerve goes to your little finger so maybe it's connected ....the first time in two weeks it hasn't been too painful today hooray!!!!

But I'm Sure it won't be too long before my health anxiety finds something else for me to worry about!

Thanks for the reply guys it really helps!
I hope you two aren't in pain for much longer