View Full Version : Inability to Sleep

20-07-17, 16:05
Back in 2006 I had a severe 'breakdown' I was majorly worried about brain tumours and haemorrhages...

Anyway - at that time I didn't sleep for 5 days. All I've ever been diagnose with is Anxiety/Depression but 5 days with no sleep back then is playing on my mind a little.

What's the longest you've ever been without sleep due to Anxiety?

20-07-17, 18:29
2-3 days I believe. Oftentimes I just end up falling asleep in the day if I cannot sleep at night.

If you had a malignant brain haemorrhage in 2006, you'd be dead by now, so I'm sure the two incidents aren't related..

Anxiety is such a crippling condition that it can cause these problems, especially with appetite and sleep. I hope you get some shut eye soon ;)

20-07-17, 18:50
I never have had the no sleep problem with my anxiety. Sometimes it makes me stay up late but that's about it.

It does make me sleep more though. On the days its really bad thats what I choose to do. It's sometimes the only thing that makes me feel better.

20-07-17, 22:22
At the minute I could probably do 10 hours a day of sleep.

It's always just played on my mind that back in 2006 that period of 5 days with no sleep could have been down to something else other than Anxiety.

I have Health Anxiety and worry about all kinds of ultra rare depressions and stuff like that.

20-07-17, 22:36
Right but that was so long ago. If it was anything that you genuinely had to worry about, I'm sure you would have had more episodes like that instead of just one over 10 years ago..

20-07-17, 23:22
So you had a bout of insomnia for less than a week 11 years ago, when you were having a tough time with anxiety?

Typed out like that does it really still seem scary?

23-07-17, 13:02
That does put it into context.

Can't shake the fear that I have other mental illness though.

23-07-17, 19:18
I had problems with sleep for the first 20 some years of my life. Lack of sleep won't kill you, but it will sure make you more irritable, hungry, cranky and anxious. Back then, the longest I could go without any sleep, like no naps, would be a couple of days.

23-07-17, 20:21
I have always had trouble staying asleep. I think I must have been about 15 when I last slept through the night. Sometimes I wake once, sometimes twice, sometimes every bloody hour. This is normal for me. It's just annoying.
One tip I use to get to sleep is to think of words beginning with a certain letter. I don't get very far..zzzzzzzzz