View Full Version : can anyone relate to my symptoms? please respond :)

20-07-17, 16:18
Can anyone relate if they have experienced this with anxiety? I have had no many symptoms and still not convinced i have anxiety because these never happen when i feel anxious.

racing/ anxious thoughts of the "what if's"- after the symptoms start
tunnel vision
feels like someone is poking around in my chest
feels like someone if grabbing the center of my chest
excessive yawning
rush of energy in the chest
panic attack
fast heart rate/ slow heart rate
upper back pains- constantly for 4 years
numbness in upper back and chest
stomach bloating
tight stomach
muscle twitches, all over body
leg weakness/ numbness
hollow felling in chest
weakness in all extremities
arm and leg tightness, numbness and tingling
head zaps
scalp falls asleep,/ numbness
short of breath
chest tightness
facial numbness and tingling and pain
hand tremors
dizzy and off balance
foggy memory
out of body feeling
blurred vision
buzzing feeling in whole body
tight feeling in neck like the blood is not flowing then all the sudden it releases
eye floaters, flashing light, black and white spots in vision, one little black spot in vision that comes and goes in one eye only usually left eye
teeth will feel a little painful

there are more symptoms i have had just dont want to overwhelm someone with the list and have them not read and give me some insight with this post. If anyone can relate that you mean so much to me : ) thank you and God Bless!

20-07-17, 16:30

I suffer from most of the symptoms you mention above, especially eye flashes, neck feeling, panic, out of body feeling and dizziness. They are very scary symptoms and I too find it hard to believe they are just from anxiety but we must try to believe that they are so we can live a happy life :)

20-07-17, 16:37
thank yo:)u SCARED1998 for your response im glad to know im not alone:)

20-07-17, 16:49
Yikes, that is long quite a long list ! :ohmy:

My experiences:
- Lightheaded /Off Balance
- Head Pressure
- Burping
- Brain Fog
- Dizziness

I hate feeling like this.........

20-07-17, 17:39
Yikes, that is long quite a long list ! :ohmy:

My experiences:
- Lightheaded /Off Balance
- Head Pressure
- Burping
- Brain Fog
- Dizziness

I hate feeling like this......... yes all of these and a little more over the past 3 years :(

20-07-17, 20:30
Are these symptoms daily? especially the brain fog, dizziness, lightheaded, head pressure? as mine is low level in the house, but high level outside everyday, intense feeling of being in a bubble and walking on a trampoline, struggling to not fall over.

20-07-17, 21:20
This stuff is amazing and scary always has you thinking what is next. Went thru the stomach thing burping ect is starting to get better. Heart stuff had all medical stuff done. Now over the last month it pins and needles numbness in my hands and fingers.

Ita like non stop. Dont understand the numbness and tingling it like all day. Has nothing to do with hyperventilating or anything. So is this anxiety or something else. You get tired of it .Hope one day all this is over. When ?

20-07-17, 21:23
Are these symptoms daily? especially the brain fog, dizziness, lightheaded, head pressure? as mine is low level in the house, but high level outside everyday, intense feeling of being in a bubble and walking on a trampoline, struggling to not fall over.
not not all of these. these are what i have had the past 3 years, what i have experience now is the upper back pain, chest discomfort i think from the back pain, im always aware of my heart beat, tingling in the arms and legs, intrusive thoughts, uneasiness, chest fullness. i have seen a cardiologist a few months ago that has told me that my heart is fine, i had EKG, treadmill stress test, echo and 72 hour holter, everything came back fine. my father did pass away a few months before all this started and 4 months after he passed i had an episode of severe heat exhaustion possible heat stroke while vacationing in Puerto Rico. I brought that upon myself because i did not eat or drink anything the whole day and was at the beach. It's like any little feeling i feel in my chest or back i think worse case sanitation. its horrible, i was never like this before all that happened. its been a few years now and i still struggle with all of this. :weep: