View Full Version : Just been prescribed this

Ash J
20-07-17, 17:29
Hi Guys,

Just been prescribed this by the GP to take in conjunction with 15mg Mirtazipine which I'm already on.

I'm a little nervous to take this naturally, has anyone has any experience taking this with Mirt? Will it give me any nasty side effects?


21-07-17, 12:07
I take pregabalin with mirtazapine, and the combination works well for me. Generally, start-up side effects aren't too bad (dizziness, reduced coordination) and are only temporary, and not everyone gets them.

What dose are you starting on? Good luck with pregabalin.

Ash J
21-07-17, 15:09
Thank you for the reply Hanshan.

Doc has started me off on 75mg to work my way up to 300mg. Made the mistake of reading the side effect profile which is now playing havoc with my HA. Now really worried to take it..

22-07-17, 10:16
Hi Ash - 75 mg is not a high dose, so you may not notice anything happening at first - either effects or side-effects. People respond to pregabalin at different levels, which is one reason why doctors start low. Another reason is that some tolerance builds up in the first few weeks, so you may need to increase the dose, but don't worry, that soon levels out at a dose you feel comfortable with if you feel it is working for you.

As for the published mega-lists of potential side effects - and this goes for any med ...

During the last phase of clinical trials, the med is given to two to three thousand people. Every adverse medical event that occurs to those people during that time is recorded.

If no clear cause of the adverse event can be established, that event ends up on the list of side effects. However, this means that many adverse events that happen to only one or two people in a thousand are listed as side effects, when, in fact, they could have had other causes. There is just no way of knowing.

Basically, stick to the four or five most commonly reported side-effects, particularly if they are documented to be be more common than placebo.

But other than that, give it a try and the best of luck.

22-07-17, 16:04
Hi Ash, I'm on both of those meds too and I find the combination really works well. It is basically impossible for pregabalin to make your anxiety worse, and it is almost guaranteed to have some kind of positive effect; it's just a matter of what dose that is for you and whether it outweighs the side effects.

It won't make you never have anxiety; that's just not possible if you are a human. But it might start making the anxiety more manageable.

When I first took it, I slept for a very long time and was drowsy and had greatly impaired coordination, but I adjusted to the side effects very quickly and started to see therapeutic benefits quickly too, moreso than with antidepressants, which often take weeks to work, as it starts reducing neuronal firing immediately, and then has some other longer-term mechanisms of action too. Whereas for typical antidepressants the main mechanisms of action take a long time to work.

This post comes with the disclaimer that any drug has the possibility of 'paradoxical effects', but as far as I can tell it hasn't been observed much, if at all, with pregabalin, and even if it had been, it is hard to say what role a drug played in the worsening of symptoms of someone who already has complex mental health issues.

Pregabalin has been the fastest acting anxiolytic, for me, aside from benzodiazepines which also have instant effects.

22-07-17, 18:07
Hello Ash,

The side effect profile is very benign for pregabalin, for the majority of people. It is worth remembering that this drug was first used to combat epilepsy. If side effects were severe, it would be extremely unwise to give such a thing to people who suffer from epilepsy, for perhaps obvious reasons.

Similarly, it is used as a pain killer too - again, if it had serious side effects at start-up it would never be used in such an application.

As H says, Mirt + Preg can be a very effective combination for inducing calm (incl. for me) - assuming that's what you're after, your GP is doing the right thing, and I would listen to his/her expertise.

Lots of great people on here, so keep in touch if you need support,


Ash J
22-07-17, 19:02
Thanks all for the replies guys, really appreciate it.

I just get so caught up on side-effects and my brain just has this stupid mentality that just says "maybe you'll be one of the unlucky ones that it does effect adversely" but obviously how will I know if I don't take it...

I know I can't carry on the way I am because I just can't take the constant anxious panicky state that I'm in for much longer. So with great reluctance I will likely start these tomorrow...

Should I be concerned that I wasn't given the Lyrica brand? Seems to be a generic version from a different manufacturer call Milpharm.



23-07-17, 03:30
Hi Ash - Don't worry about the side-effects. Even if you have some side-effects like sleepiness or a being a little less coordinated, they are much milder than with other meds like SSRIs and usually quickly resolve. There is also the 'temporary euphoria' effect that some people get, which is a much welcome side-effect, but only lasts a day or so!

Also, the generic contains the identical active ingredient which achieves the same concentration in the body at the same rate as Lyrica. It's actually a good thing that there is now a generic available as it means costs are kept down and doctors are more willing to prescribe it.

Ash J
23-07-17, 14:57
Well I took my first dose this morning. Feeling very spaced out and strange. Not sure if it's the preg or the anxiety from taking it but my heart rhythm seems a bit out...so this is obviously panicking me. Just can't win.

24-07-17, 00:56
Hi Ash - Many people with anxiety (and particularly HA) get a surge of anxiety when starting a new medication. It's normal (for anxiety sufferers)! Just keep going, and it will subside in a day or two. Good luck with pregabalin.

16-08-17, 02:01
Hey Ash, I was just wondering how your coming along with the lyrica? I was just prescribed it today and start it tomorrow.