View Full Version : Sharp pain

20-07-17, 19:31
Hi all sorry if this post is a little to much information!
I was wondering if any of you ladies have ever experienced a shooting pain inside your vagina?

I've this on and off today,feels more wired if anything.I seem to be full of wind and I have also opened my bowels a few times today.

Sorry for you men reading through this!!

Does anybody have any thoughts? I'm learning not to google,i always get really good advice on here which had now taught me not to turn to google.

20-07-17, 20:10
I get that sometimes too. Only happens every now and then, and doesn't last very long, but its definitely painful!

I've never really figured out what it was. My pap smears are always normal and I've never had any other problems down there. Are you on birth control? I have the mirena and thought maybe it could be something to do with that?

20-07-17, 20:25
I get that sometimes too. Only happens every now and then, and doesn't last very long, but its definitely painful!

I've never really figured out what it was. My pap smears are always normal and I've never had any other problems down there. Are you on birth control? I have the mirena and thought maybe it could be something to do with that?

Thank you for replying to me.My smear last year was normal but I do have cervical erosion,not sure if this would cause pain!

I'm not on any contraception.

I have had this before it lasted a few days than went away,just curious!

20-07-17, 20:33
I'm not sure if that causes pain or not, mainly because I'm not sure what that is lol!

With anything though, if it's that concerning you could always bring it up to your GP just to see what they say.

20-07-17, 21:39
Anytime I experience pain down there I always take a couple days to increase my water intake, drink some cranberry juice and eat a bunch of yogurt! Just as a preventative. ;)