View Full Version : I'm backkkkkk ;)

20-07-17, 21:24
Hey everyone!
Long time no see ;)

I have been MIA for a while.
Partly because I was trying to get back into living more in the 'real world' and less virtually. I have been working from home and can go most places with little to no anxiety anymore.
And partly because my health hasn't been great and it's taken a while to get it figured.
***Health anxiety sufferers don't read the rest***

I've been diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease. Only took a year and a half! UGG!
They found a tumor on my thyroid and I just had that removed last Monday. So I'm healing slowly but surely.
Honestly I haven't let my anxiety take over on this! Of course I was worried about surgery and scared the tumor would be cancer but I didn't let it take control of me. The biopsy showed pre-cancerous cells so I have to have 6 month follow ups. I will be dealing with the Hashimoto's for the rest of my life with thyroid meds but I'm alive and feeling pretty good.

I've missed my friends here and looking forward to catching up.


20-07-17, 21:31
Hiya eeyorelover and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

Catherine S
20-07-17, 23:56
Great to see you back eeyorelover, and it's good you're getting yourself sorted out health-wise...slow but sure. See you around the boards.


aka I Still Believe (ISB) Going Home & Cathy V :) take your pick, you've probably told me off when I was known as all of them over the years :noangel:

22-07-17, 21:29
Sandy :hugs:

I came back too not too long ago. Just wanted to catch up with some peeps.

How's the scar healing?.
