View Full Version : Sore tonsil and hfmd

20-07-17, 22:51
My son got diagnosed with ANOTHER strain of hand foot mouth last week. The fourth kid in his daycare. Now I am terrified of getting it... The last Coxsackie virus he had landed me out of work for almost 3 weeks. This morning I woke with a sore tonsil and now I'm feeling cold all over (like I might develop a fever). I can't tell if it's all in my head or not... Guess I will find out by tomorrow. Not looking for a diagnosis, just to be clear. Just venting. I've been (legitimately) ill with viruses more than ever in my life since having my adorable boy. I don't know what to do about the terror and obsession surrounding getting sick. I have no sick days at work or vacation. I worry that I will not be able to keep my business open or pay my health insurance premiums if I keep going in the hole financially.