View Full Version : Please help Really scared my livers failing now don't know what to do

20-07-17, 23:17
Got back from work and while sitting down my right side felt strange like it weighed more than my left and I felt around a bit under my right rib and there was a swollen shape now in full panic mode thinking it's my liver enlarged or a kidney enlarged can't really feel it anymore. Iv drank heavily daily for quite a long time(2 years) but now am trying to cut down. Ha's anyone else felt a strange lump under there right rib. So terryfyed

21-07-17, 00:39
Have you been experiencing nausea, jaundice (yellowing of the skin), easy bleeding, diarrhea, appetite changes and fatigue? I'm not a RN or a Doctor but to be on the safe side I would go in for some blood tests if you're really concerned.

21-07-17, 01:36
I agree about getting checked out, though I doubt its due to the drinking. Im not sure what you consider heavy drinking but my stepmom drinks half a case of beer a day during the work week, and double that on the weekends lol. She's been doing it for 10+ years. Of course everyone is different!

Good luck :)

21-07-17, 13:54
Not a doctor, but I've known of people drinking heavily for longer than that without an issue. You may have a fatty liver, but I don't think I've ever heard of that causing issues that you're talking of.

Go see a doctor and have them run bloodwork. They can tell via levels in the blood if your liver is working overtime by counting certain enzymes and other chemicals. I had a scare last year when my enzymes were elevated (I think they're AST and ALT). Had an abdominal ultrasound and all. It turns out I have a fatty liver, which is quite common. Luckily my levels are now within range, so it may have been due to stress or something.

Either way, maybe you have some sort of muscular issue. I've had anxiety in the past when feeling around my body and feeling random bumps. It turns out they are completely benign.

22-02-18, 12:37
Hi Theon can I ask why you drink so heavily, is it because you are trying to block out things that you aren't happy with in your life? I too like a drink but would never use it as a comfort tool, that is self destruction and self harm.

The liver is a fantastic organ in it's own right and can take a lot of stick and can recovery very well from it with no problems, how ever there is a tipping point where irreparable damage can take place. How ever don't think you have reached that point as yet, so take stock of your self before it's too late :) No one is saying you should stop drinking all together unless you are totally addicted then you will need help for your addiction.
Everything in moderation mate :) ATB

22-02-18, 14:59
Hello, if you don't have other symptoms like pain, fever or nausea then I wouldn't be worried and I certainly wouldn't be thinking liver problems. It could be muscular - I get a weird spasm thing under my ribs sometime from certain movements which feels like a swelling and it's muscular.

Can I ask what level of drinking you're talking about when you say drinking heavily? 2 years really is not a long time and you are very young (19 or 20 years old?). I'm a recovering alcoholic living with a liver condition and I was drinking at alcoholic levels for almost 20 years, to give you some idea of the time frame that is often involved in serious liver damage. Of course drinking heavily is NEVER good, but you're cutting down so I'm hoping to maybe just give you some perspective.

Also you said in a previous post that you have had blood tests already which would have shown up any issues after your period of drinking and also an ultrasound (I've pasted a bit of your previous post below)?

You posted this last year:

"Iv posted on the forums twice before worried about my liver and kidneys. As I have drank heavily daily for about a year and a half and am only 19 got blood tests and ultrasound on lower organs both of which came back clear. "

So without any other symptoms there's no reason to think liver problems. You could get a GP to check out this swelling you describe, but the blood tests you've had rule out any damage from your bout of drinking. It is totally understandable to regret a period of heavy drinking and perhaps for that to prey on your mind now and affect your fears?

22-02-18, 15:21
Just based on your post history, I would lean toward an alcohol issue as opposed to a liver issue, especially considering your age.

That being said, AnnaB's suggestion of seeing a doctor to rule out anything and to get help for the alcohol problem is imperative to prevent future problems.

Positive thoughts

23-02-18, 15:10
I have an enlarged liver actually its pretty big measuring 20cm and I do not feel it sticking out or any weird type of feelings in that area... I do at times get pain in that area and was told it could very well be the size of my liver stretching the Glisson's capsule.

The liver really is an amazing organ and can take a lot... I doubt 2 years of drinking would cause any permanent damage. You could possibly have a touch of fatty liver which can be easily reversed if caused by drinking by stopping drinking.

23-02-18, 20:31
I have Primary Biliary Cholangitis. My liver inflames easily due to my condition and can enlarge. The liver itself has not nerve endings, but the capsule around does. Which I think was mentioned. Your liver can recover from almost anything until it gets to cirrhotic stage, which I HIGHLY doubt you are at. I have pain on that side when I'm inflamed. Its fine to get your blood tested and see the liver enyzmes. Also make sure you check the bilirubin and albumin levels as well.