View Full Version : Bad anxiety, going on very long flight on Saturday.

20-07-17, 23:30
Last saturday I was using a phone in bed until very late and I suddenly felt quite dizzy / lightheaded. I think this really scared me because almost without a break I've felt quite depressed almost and VERY anxious about every little thing that happens.

Since then i've kinda had a pressure feeling in my head, and I think I had a panic attack on Monday because I had a similar feeling to the Saturday night feeling and it just felt horrible. I felt hot, I was trembling, sweating, I just felt very scared and vunerable.

I keep getting feelings in my arms and on my left cheek especially and I keep thinking it's a stroke - yet it passes and nothing happens except I get very worried and I have come close a few times now to panic attacks. Same with my head whenever I get a headache.

I went to my GP on Tuesday and she checked my eyes + blood pressure, and did the "blow cheeks up" and smile tests and said I was probably having "stress migranes". I'm 17, and she said people my age don't have strokes etc. :noangel: She prescribed me with pain killers but I haven't used them (partly because my parents dont want me to take them, they have quite bad side effects). I also went to the opticians and they said my eyes were fine.

My symptoms are that I have a wierd pressure feeling in the front of my skull, near my forehead. My left cheek occasionally feels heavy, my lower left arm feels numb sometimes but passes, very rare but sometimes chest 'pains' and just a general lathargic, depressed feeling of anxiety constantly.

I fly to America on Saturday and it'll take 11 hours. I'm very scared that I'll have the sypmtoms and panic or feel very anxious. 11 hours of little movement, as well as little fluids, is making me very apprehensive. I was really looking forward to this holiday for months but because of this anxiety I have to say I'm dreading it.

I just hate this feeling. I want it to go away. I was hoping it would've gone by now.

21-07-17, 14:00
"I felt hot, I was trembling, sweating, I just felt very scared and vunerable."

Feeling hot, trembling, sweating and feeling as such as you did are very common symptoms of anxiety, especially during a panic attack. Think about it: during a panic attack your body is filled with adrenaline, just like as if you were being chased by a bear, but without the actual physical provocation. Of course you'll be feeling these ways with such a hormone effecting you!

As for pressure in your head, I've had this as well. I've had it around both of my temples, on my forehead, between my eyes, on my neck, etc. It was actually one of the more uncomfortable symptoms I've ever had, but it was merely anxiety. Some have said that it's due to muscular tension in the surrounding areas. Everything is connected, so if I have tight muscles in my neck (where anxiety resonates in many people), it'll cause tightness in my head. I think then it's a vicious cycle, in that my anxiety increases due to the discomfort, which exacerbates the tightness, which causes more anxiety, and so on and so forth.

As for flying, you should just enjoy it! Statistically speaking, flying is quite safe. I've flown a half of a dozen times overall and I love the serene visuals of being above the clouds.

21-07-17, 15:21
I've flown from the US to the UK and back again. My tip is: dramamine. Flying isn't really that bad, but sitting still for that length of time just isn't fun. This will take away any anxiety/motion sickness and will probably just help you sleep. Which is the best way to get through an 11 hour flight, IMO :)

I agree that your "symptoms" are classic anxiety. Something that may help you short term is every time it happens, repeat to yourself, "this is just anxiety. this cannot and will not hurt me." Long-term therapy and/or meds may be an option.

Sending good thoughts and hopes that you have a blast on your vacation. What part of the US are you visiting?