View Full Version : Think I have Gerd (Or worse) but terrified of the doctors

21-07-17, 09:12
Hi there
new to these boards and posting to see if anyone can relate to this or give me any info regarding the issues

Basically I have always had a phobia of hospitals/surgery etc and thankfully never had to go. Always avoided the doctors too and was always generally pretty healthy

Last few years though I had been showing signs of Acid reflux/Gerd which have steadily got worse over the years.
These days my symptoms are constant throat clearing, chest tightness, breathing feels strained and difficult sometimes making me take deep breaths, hoarse throat (Especially after drinking alchol), burning sensation in throat after certain foods and burping alot. I always had a pretty lousy diet and dont eat enough fruit and veg.

Anyone here have similar sysmptoms/issues to put my mind at ease.

Everyone says I need to go doctors but i really hate the idea of a camera down the throat as that freaks me out. And if it was anything really serious, I think i'd rather not know!!! :(

21-07-17, 11:19
Yup classic symptoms of acid reflux. Try eliminating the culprits from your diet.

21-07-17, 12:08
Yeah will look at a healthier diet from now on - see if it helps improve it

21-07-17, 13:22
Try avoiding alcohol, fatty/fried food and very hot drinks. Anti-acids are not real solutions, that just covers the problem.

21-07-17, 13:49
I've had two scopes down my throat (plus one up my nose while I was totally awake). Honestly, it isn't that bad at all. In fact, it's easier than the scope up your posterior, as there is no prep other than not eating after a certain time.

You go in, talk to a nurse, get on the bed, get sedated, and wake up like 30 minutes later without a recollection of anything. The last time I had a little bit or a sore throat, but nothing intolerable or anything even close to it, friend.

Acid reflux is an annoying issue that I've dealt with personally as well. I know how uncomfortable it can be to be laying in bed and have that stuff roll up your esophagus just in time for bed. I am not saying you're at this point, but GERD, like many other chronic issues, can become worse over time and lead to larger issues, which is why it is a good idea to get control of it now.

I'd highly suggest seeing a Gastroenterologist, but there is stuff at home that you can do now to help remedy the matter. There are plenty over-the-counter pharmaceuticals that can be bought at a fair price. I went on Amazon and purchased a bundled pack of a generic acid reflux medication (sorry, I forget the name at the moment). It was like $30 for a pack of six bottles!

You can also try and see what makes your GERD worse overall, as in food/drink triggers. Alcohol is generally a bad idea since it causes more reflux, but I can understand not wanting to totally abstain. Other people need to stay away from certain foods like sauce or acidic foods. See what bothers you and eliminate it. There are plenty of options out there!

Last but not least, it is said that a simple regiment of Apple Cider Vinegar can be beneficial for GERD and other health issues. Honestly, in my time of need it was the most helpful product out there, pharmaceutical or not. In theory, from what I've read, it helps neutralize the acid pH in your stomach. Some say that GERD is often times caused by the acid being too acidic. I am not a GI or medical professional, and maybe it was a placebo effect (although many others have had the same results), but I'd take the ACV and it'd help quicker and more efficiently than anything else. Do not take it straight! I'd take a tablespoon with a glass of water. Does it taste gross? Absolutely. Just chug it.

There was one day in particular where my anxiety and GERD was so bad that my chest felt like it was going to burst open. I was dry heaving into a garbage pail in my bedroom. Prior to that I was at a BBQ that I had to leave because I felt acid coming up my throat and was incredibly uncomfortable. I assume it's a snowball effect/vicious cycle. GI effects increase anxiety, and vice versa, and it builds. I took Tums and other stuff, but ACV was the only thing that allowed me to calm down and actually eat something solid. Like I said, do not take it straight. It tastes bad and it'll harm you taking it in such a way.

21-07-17, 14:21
Thanks for the info
Sorry you had a rough time with it too - it is a horrible issue to have.

Its the breathing issues that bother me the most, feels like as each day passes your chest gets tighter! :/

I guess this is because of acid getting in the lungs - I know nothing about it really but I take it any liquid/acid in the lungs does eventually get out and they dont just slowly fill over time

21-07-17, 15:07
Its the breathing issues that bother me the most, feels like as each day passes your chest gets tighter! :/

I guess this is because of acid getting in the lungs - I know nothing about it really but I take it any liquid/acid in the lungs does eventually get out and they dont just slowly fill over time

You're not inhaling acid nor does it have anything to do with acid in the lungs. It has to do with your anxiety over the symptoms. Anxiety = stress. Stress = muscle tension etc. Visiting the doctor despite your fears is the most prudent thing to do. In the mean time, look into an OTC PPI like Zantac or similar (ask the pharmacist). Also look into the FODMAP diet and keep a journal of what you eat to determine which foods give you trouble.

Positive thoughts