View Full Version : How do i cope plz help

anx mum
21-07-17, 15:12
I'm really struggling at moment with health anxiety. I'm getting horrible pains in the chest and now ive got pain in my calf worried something is seriously wrong had ecgs chest xray and heart bloodtest all have come bk ok. Now I'm convinced ive got a bloodclot :weep: I'm not coping daily just wont to be well

21-07-17, 15:21
They would know you've got a blood clot by the blood test.. chest pains are probably just your anxiety. Stressing out is no good. Believe me. If they found nothing you're fine.. listen to some relaxing music. Sounds of the waves and just take a time out to relax.

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21-07-17, 15:21
You've been worried for many, many years. You have therapy coming. Just a few months more and you'll be getting help.

Positive thoughts

anx mum
21-07-17, 15:32
I remember feeling like this in 2010 its really hard to believe when u feel so bad. Everyone tells me I'm fine yet I don't feel it. Thanks guys for your reply

anx mum
22-07-17, 10:38
This is too much got sharp pain down leg and chest pain I'm so concerned. Rung out of hrs dr this morning going down later. I'm concerned I have a bloodclot although I have no redness leg seems same size. I have been referred to cardiac outpaitents.

22-07-17, 14:35
This is too much got sharp pain down leg and chest pain I'm so concerned. Rung out of hrs dr this morning going down later. I'm concerned I have a bloodclot although I have no redness leg seems same size. I have been referred to cardiac outpaitents.Have you ever thought of damaged nerve? Even something as simple as stretching can cause nerve damage creating all types of pain.. bloodclots usually have more symptoms than just pain. Swelling. Weakness. If it's in the lung shortness of breath. You need to stop focussing on it.. the doctors would know if it was a bloodclot they're not stupid..

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anx mum
23-07-17, 17:04
I am pleased to say my bloodtest for a blood clot has come bk normal. So my leg pain must be muscular. I'm still concerned about my chest pain ive had ecg and heart bloodtest which have come bk ok yet worried sick about heart

23-07-17, 17:29
I am pleased to say my bloodtest for a blood clot has come bk normal. So my leg pain must be muscular. I'm still concerned about my chest pain ive had ecg and heart bloodtest which have come bk ok yet worried sick about heartDeja vu

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