View Full Version : Does fast heart Settle down

21-07-17, 19:43
I'm hoping some of you more seasoned venlafaxine takers will be able to help me. I've been on it for about seven weeks and I've just titrated up to 150 MG today. But while I was at the doctor he checked my heart rate and said I had tachycardia I need an ECG. I had noticed that my resting heart rate has gone up because I wear a fit bit.

I really don't want to come off the medication because I've tried so many and I have 4 kids and all this up and down with the medication is really taking its toll.

I was wondering if anyone else has had a fast heart rate that had settled down in a couple of months. I have a feeling they're going to try and make me stop taking it but I really wanna stick it out obviously I don't want to put my health at Though.

To be honest I haven't actually felt much better yet, it seems I have a week of side-effects, then a week of feeling much better and then the anxiety comes back each time I go up a bit. But still quite low dose.i'm hopeful for this one though as I've tried so many.
I really hope someone can give me positive advice.
Thanks guys

22-07-17, 01:45
the doctor he checked my heart rate and said I had tachycardia I need an ECG.

Many antidepressants have tachycardia as a possible side-effect, as do many other drugs. How much of an issue this is for you can only be determined by an ECG/EKG. It may or may not be significant.

03-08-17, 09:34
I had this as a side effect when I was on 225mg. I think it's because my BMI is only about 18, and I'm very small, so the drug was a lot for my small body to take!

I ended up being hospitalised when my resting heart rate went to 165 - just precautionary.

Since starting withdrawal, my heart rate has declined. Maybe consider slightly lowering your dose?