View Full Version : Catching out a friend telling you lies

21-07-17, 22:57
This evening I caught one of my best online friends lying to me! It was about a fairly trivial subject, too, to do with various online projects we work on together. I had proof he was fibbing, but for a few minutes I played along with the lie, mainly to see if he would admit to it. He went quiet for a while, so then I straight out asked him about it. He still didn't admit to it, so then I said I had proof (computers don't lie!), and he asked me to send it to him, so I sent a screenshot showing he was involved. He then had no choice to admit that it was him, and he also said "oh s***!" so I knew he felt awkward about it.

I wasn't really annoyed with him - I basically laughed it off saying "So I know you were teasing me!" (I said "teasing" instead of "lying" because he sometimes does tease me, but in a fun way, never a nasty way, and I didn't want to sound too harsh by accusing him of lying). I finished up by saying "You don't have to hide secrets from me. I don't tell anyone anything" [about our online projects]. He then replied with his usual "lol"!

I must admit I do feel a little bit hurt though, as I trust him and he has often said to me that he thinks I'm a trustworthy person (he has confided in me about confidential things before). So I'm not sure why he felt it necessary to lie to me on this particular occasion.

I felt a bit stressed out and awkward about the situation, and without really being conscious of what I was doing, I picked my big toe and made it bleed! :(

How do you react if you know that someone you trust has lied to you? Was I right to confront him about it? I'm glad I did, as otherwise I might have ended up stewing over it.

22-07-17, 02:08
What's the significance of it? Is it something that would mean something between you?

22-07-17, 18:44
It's not really that significant - I'd feel the same way if any friend did that sort of thing. I prefer people to be honest and straightforward with me, and I will be the same towards them. I'd rather people tell me the truth about things, even if it's a brutal truth (which it wasn't, in this particular case) than telling me white lies.

23-07-17, 04:54
Did he know how you felt about this before?

What reasons could he have for telling this white lie? For instance, was he embarassed about something? Or maybe it was something he felt was personal to him?

Does he agree to be this open with you in your friendship? If so, it shouldn't be a problem. It's not something everyone would do though as we may want certain things to be for us and not others, if you see what I mean?