View Full Version : Lhermitte's sign?

22-07-17, 00:18
Hello all,
Are chills in the scalp and neck and down your body a sign of anxiety? Is it the same as L'hermittes sign experienced by ms patients? I know it's a silly question but when youre anxious you're anxious :(

22-07-17, 01:13
L'hermittes usually presents as an electric shock type feel going down the spine when one bends their neck, touching the chin to the chest.

Another variant on this, from what I've read, is doing the same bending motion but getting tingling down legs, in the feet, or in the arms/hands whilst the neck is bent forward only to subside when the neck is returned to the upright position.

What you're describing does not sound like this. I have the MS fear too right now and have (unfortunately) researched a lot about it trying to determine if it fits my symptoms. Stay away from google if you can.

22-07-17, 01:25
Thank you so much for your response. I just get a chill in my scalp and in my legs. Not really when I bend my neck. It just happens randomly. Funny enough I have a clear MRI and a normal neurological function. It's just a subjective one leg weakness and burning on its outer surface for which I got no explanation from doctors!