View Full Version : A total mess right now

14-05-07, 23:23
Hi Everyone.

I am a total mess right now. After going months without any real panic symptoms, I ended up with EMS in living room today. I started getting panic attacks after I had a benign heart arythmia 3 years ago. I have panicked about everything though, not just my heart. Right now I am being treated for an ear/sinus infection. The antibiotic (Biaxin aka clarithromycin ) is making me feel like I need to puke, and the gagging feelings are making my heart beat funny. On my home blood pressure machine it said I had an irregular heart beat. I panicked, and I called 911. I cant believe it. I am embarassed and ashamed, but at the same time I am terrified something is actually wrong. I cannot calm myself down. EMS was confident that it was panic (my heart was in normal ryhthem) My ear is acting weird, it feels like it is closing up. Like it doesnt even feel clogged, but my hearing will just suddenly fade. Then I panic. I cant do this. I cant even leave my house right now. Everything just feels so off. I am scared that the medication is having a bad affect on me, as I totally feel I am losing my mind. I am scared my heart is messed up. I cant even say what I am scared of, but I just feel an inner sense of terror. I guess I just needed to vent. If you got this far I want to thank you for taking the time to read this... I feel so alone.

14-05-07, 23:39
sorry you're feeling like that...
is it passing yet?
hope you feel better soon x

15-05-07, 01:22
not really... but I am somewhat confident that the medication I am taking is inducing this anxiety. My stomach is killing me... I honestly dont even know what I am afraid of right now... I just feel scared and shakey. Thank you for the good wishes... It helps to know there are people out there.

15-05-07, 22:40
hope you're feeling better this evening.
i sometimes use a hot water bottle when i have stomach ache, it helps even tho it's caused be anxiety...

15-05-07, 22:53
hope you are feeling a bit brighter now.

I suffer just as you do , some days are worse than others. Panic is a evil little bully, however WHY do we let it control us?
Dont beat yourself up over calling 911 ive dont it numerous times, somehow i just think that this time im really gonna die!!!! well i havent yet and ive been suffering for 14 years.
Have you got claire weekes book about panic? it really helps when panic sets in.
take care hunni
tracie xxx

15-05-07, 22:59
Health anxiety is horrible especially when you get into panic mode. It helps me if I try to keep occupied, doing anything that will distract me from focussing on my symptoms all of the time. If I focus on how I'm feeling then I notice every little sensation and then they become all I can think about and I get that sick panicky feeling. I hope this will soon pass for you.

It is our thoughts about what might be happening that keep the panicky feelings going. If we can stop the thoughts that feed the anxiety then we start to feel better. Easier said than done, I know, but well worth trying!



ps sometimes I even do the ironing!! :D

15-05-07, 23:04
p.s. don't feel alone - there are a lot of people here who understand, through experience, what you are going through.

Sending a virtual hug or two,


16-05-07, 03:41
thank you everyone so much for your replies. Really... it helps SO much to know there are people out there who get it. So, the update is the doctor told me to stop taking the meds. I feel a lot less panicky, but now I am nervous that the infection will come back. He told me that it may, but that my body can fight it on its own!! Honestly, I feel like im the most annoying person. I am scared of the medication, but I am scared of not taking it. Do you guys ever feel that you drive doctors nuts?