View Full Version : Sprained Ankle

22-07-17, 15:31
Hey! I had a fall at gym last night and rolled my ankle swelling is going down, no bruising very tender to touch around ankle bone area.
I suffer from bad health anxiety so im freaking out as I've noticed after I sprained my ankle I have this small lump that has appeared doesn't hurt though it's to the side of the bone. I've been googling now im freaking out its something like a tumour!!! :scared15:
Anyone know what it could be?? Trumor from the fall? Help?!?!?
Photos attached!!

22-07-17, 16:57
I am one to say it as I have done in the past but do not google lol it will always come up with something way off the mark with no proof!

If it came up after the fall it is more than likely part of the injury, maybe a sprain etc. Could be worth going up A&E if symptoms do not go or get worse as it could possible be a little fracture, but either way I highly doubt it is a tumour.

22-07-17, 17:24
A sprained ankle causes a huge lump to form, IME. It will take time to go down.