View Full Version : I fear impeachment.

22-07-17, 21:01
I get a stomach-ache just thinking about this... it's known that President Trump is not a nice guy, but his replacement could be considerably worse. That's why I fear his seemingly inevitable impeachment: he has a vice-president whose ultra-conservative views would surely set us back several decades on the social ladder. And since he's apparently pro-war, God only knows where he'll take the international situation!

I'm terrified. We've got to stop this happening, we've got to...

22-07-17, 21:05
Not really the place for politics..

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22-07-17, 21:33
But it gives me anxiety. Like, real hardcore.

22-07-17, 23:07
I'm not fearing it anymore.
The way I figure it is for 8 years the Republicans were able to create a stalemate. Now the Democrats are creating a stalemate (for the most part).
The President while he is the face of our democracy doesn't really hold the power alone to start a war etc. That's why we have 3 branches of government. To balance the power so no one man alone can send the whole country to sh*t if he feels the whim to.
What I fear more is the loss of our humanity! The way we are divided by the 'isms'. Colorism, Classism, Heterosexism and also religious intolerance!

23-07-17, 02:12
He's a president in a democracy. Not a dictator. Not a king or emperor in medieval times.

Democracys have checks & balances to keep leaders in line and there are processes to remove them if they go bad.

The VP is already there, shouldn't you be as concerned now as he can influence the president? So, why fear him only if there was impeachment? That's part of the irrational nature of anxiety.

Why would he set the UK back on the social ladder? He has no power over us and our laws. And whilst that's an issue for Americans, why fear this guy doing that in such a democracy when there are many countries where people have very few rights now?

Beware the media whipping everything up. Take a break from it.

---------- Post added at 02:12 ---------- Previous post was at 02:11 ----------

Not really the place for politics..

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We do it on Misc. But if it's about anxiety, this is the best place for it to discuss the anxiety aspects for the individual.

But as far as the nasty side of politics discussions go, I completely agree with you.

23-07-17, 09:54
In short, open revolt and exile is the only hope for change?

23-07-17, 10:00
He's a president in a democracy. Not a dictator. Not a king or emperor in medieval times.

Democracys have checks & balances to keep leaders in line and there are processes to remove them if they go bad.

The VP is already there, shouldn't you be as concerned now as he can influence the president? So, why fear him only if there was impeachment? That's part of the irrational nature of anxiety.

Why would he set the UK back on the social ladder? He has no power over us and our laws. And whilst that's an issue for Americans, why fear this guy doing that in such a democracy when there are many countries where people have very few rights now?

Beware the media whipping everything up. Take a break from it.

---------- Post added at 02:12 ---------- Previous post was at 02:11 ----------

We do it on Misc. But if it's about anxiety, this is the best place for it to discuss the anxiety aspects for the individual.

But as far as the nasty side of politics discussions go, I completely agree with you.I agree with your entire post pretty much. I'm just saying it's not the place for politics because. I just don't agree that Trump is "the devil". I'd probably be considered "alt right" and well.. the left can't handle my beliefs and no doubt I'm a racist or bigot in some way to them. That's why I would rather not get into politics and it's kinda crazy how people are acting..

Same with UK election.. I cant vote but I know who I wanted to win because I know who would do a better job of leaving the EU. Even if Corbyn got in power, as much as I hate the commie I'd just have to roll with it like everyone has done for the past hundreds of years. That is exactly what the liberal lot should be doing in America. Accepting Trump. Personally. I'd take him as Prime Minister of the UK or Australia. Liberals took over my home country of Australia and it is slowly going down hill PC wise. Can't speak your views anymore. Even the here in the UK. You always read about "Muslim hate preachers preach about the end of western civilisation on British streets, allowed to go free because it doesn't break the law" [emoji20] meanwhile... "British man arrested and sentenced to 2 years for putting bacon on a mosque door handle" makes sense..

Rant over. I'm staying out of political anxiety..

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23-07-17, 11:56
Politicians are not in charge of anything, they're just actors following instructions from a script. Even if Trump goes they'll find someone else to replace him and things will remain exactly the same. You can't stop what's happening so what's the point in getting worked up watching the news, take a break from it as someone has already said.

23-07-17, 19:14
I'm not sure I made myself clear - I don't want him gone, not really. Pence scares me more.

23-07-17, 20:13
I agree with Terry. The media, especially social media is full of fake news. Some of the stuff I read is ridiculous but there are always comments from people who lap it up.

Not suggesting for a second that you do this but the media is in a feeding frenzy over Donald Trump. Take a step back from it and see it for what it is...mostly a load of old tosh.

24-07-17, 06:17
I agree with your entire post pretty much. I'm just saying it's not the place for politics because. I just don't agree that Trump is "the devil". I'd probably be considered "alt right" and well.. the left can't handle my beliefs and no doubt I'm a racist or bigot in some way to them. That's why I would rather not get into politics and it's kinda crazy how people are acting..

Same with UK election.. I cant vote but I know who I wanted to win because I know who would do a better job of leaving the EU. Even if Corbyn got in power, as much as I hate the commie I'd just have to roll with it like everyone has done for the past hundreds of years. That is exactly what the liberal lot should be doing in America. Accepting Trump. Personally. I'd take him as Prime Minister of the UK or Australia. Liberals took over my home country of Australia and it is slowly going down hill PC wise. Can't speak your views anymore. Even the here in the UK. You always read about "Muslim hate preachers preach about the end of western civilisation on British streets, allowed to go free because it doesn't break the law" [emoji20] meanwhile... "British man arrested and sentenced to 2 years for putting bacon on a mosque door handle" makes sense..

Rant over. I'm staying out of political anxiety..

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

I agree with you.

It's been hysteria over Brexit & Trump. Politics has become even more nasty than before when it comes to discussions and the polarised elements are getting even worse. The joys of the internet! I've been on the end of the labelling & name calling, a tactic to shut down, so I can understand how you feel because it doesn't do me any good.

The threads on Misc are generally respectful, with the occasional exchange and Admin stepping in, so I talk on there as it's easier. I wouldn't think of joining a politics forum as it's just vile behaviour & point scoring. Just like Twitter really. The internet has spawned a lot of keyboard warriors and other people's feelings aren't considered.

---------- Post added at 06:17 ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 ----------

In short, open revolt and exile is the only hope for change?

I'm not sure I made myself clear - I don't want him gone, not really. Pence scares me more.

There won't be any revolts. There may be marches and yes there may be some bad elements causing trouble. There may even be the odd riot. But ther won't be any civil wars or revolutions. It's all bluster.

Americans can use their vote. They voted them in anyway.

The most turmoil we will probably see will be on the stock markets!

Didn't we have much of the same about Bush? And now the US has moved onto it's latest crisis?

Are you a young guy, Frank? I can remember being taught what to do in case of a nuclear assault when I was at school. We had evacuations due to the IRA. There was the Cold War too. The Gulf Wars. Something bad is always going on.

It's best to get on with life and leave things too big for you to do anything about to those who can (nothing wrong with those wanting to take a more active role in their countries politics too, but they're the minority).