View Full Version : scary armpit lump

22-07-17, 23:25
So I came across this forum as I was googling symptoms about this issue... which I know is never a good option. But I'm thankful I came across this site. I am 25 years old, female, and in pretty good health other than being slightly overweight. Recently I had some pretty bad razor burn and me having the health anxiety I kept feeling it thinking something was wrong. I found a lump that immediately sent my heart rate to the roof. I'm so scared it's Hodkins lymphoma or something else similar. It feels a bit smaller than my pinky finger nail (small hands). It doesn't hurt at all which scares me so much because I know that painless lumps aren't good.

I don't know if its hard or movable, never good at that. I recently switched jobs and have yet to get on the new insurance yet. I know the best thing is to get it checked out for my own piece of mind but I won't be able to for a couple months which in my mind is too little too late. My last trip to the gyno was in January and went find. I'm just looking for some sort of peace of mind.

23-07-17, 01:14
Could be some type of infection from the razor burn? Idk it could be a number of innocent things.

As far as the insurance goes, if you really cant wait that long you can always go to the hospital. They have to treat you, regardless of insurance.

24-07-17, 01:34
For what it's worth I get these all the time a few days after shaving. Think it is like an ingrown hair follicle or something. They do go away eventually. Try to not poke and prod at it and relax. Give it a week or so and check again. I bet it's gone ��

24-07-17, 23:35
I second the ingrown hair follicle. Happens to me quite often when I shave my underarms. It's just a very sensitive area and it's very easy to get ingrown follicles!