View Full Version : Panic attack advice?

23-07-17, 00:12
Hi, I've been struggling with health anxiety for almost 3 years now and it seems like no matter how far I get into recovery I always end up back to square one. I've recently developed a visible heartbeat which has caused me a great deal of stress and I've had panic attacks very often since I noticed it. I got it checked out by my doctor and a cardiologist and they both said all is fine. The problem is my mind will not accept that. I have panic attacks every few days now and it's so miserable especially with the horrible palpitations and seeing my heart racing a mile a minute in my chest. Does anyone have any advice or can anyone relate? I'm having a horrible panic attack right now and this forum is the only thing that's keeping me from acting hysterical. Thanks in advance

23-07-17, 16:06
It's going to sound totally silly

But when I used to have panic attacks I used to freeze and wasn't able to move from the spot I was in etc

But now when I have one I jump up and do star jumps to try and get rid of that extra adrenaline and of course if I can do star jumps then there is nothing wrong with me.

If your out in public I tend to walk quicker than I was originally to again try and get rid of some of the adrenaline.

I haven't figured how to cope in crowded places yet as it's one that I still struggle with and tend to just leave where I was even though in my head I know it's anxiety. And same in cars I haven't figured out how to control them in cars either. I tend to just turn up the radio louder and sing as loud as I can ��

Honestly though do the star jumps. If you can do that or run up and down stairs too