View Full Version : citalopram withdrawal

15-05-07, 10:42

I came off citalopram a week ago after having been on them for 18 months. The highest dose I was on was 40mg and have been reducing gradually over the last 6 months. My GP advised me to take 10mg every day for 2 weeks and then 10mg every other day for 2 weeks and to then stop. Which I did, but by the third day of not taking them, I started to experience a dizzy, woozy feeling, palpitations and just feeling not right - I feel OK in the morning and then as the day goes on I feel worse. Not enough to stop me doing anything but I am aware of these funny sensations. This then makes me dwell on them and so the cycle of anxiety begins again!

Has anyone else experienced something similar - I am really keen to find out before I end up going back to my GP.
