View Full Version : Anxiety over a lump

23-07-17, 17:24
Hi all.
I have really bad white coat syndrome. I always always assume the worst with anything!
About three weeks ago a sore lump (no bigger than a pea) appeared overnight under my armpit. Me being me, I squeezed it thinking it was a spot, and nothing. So I assumed it was a boil. Few days later I tried again and a load of crap came out. It started to go down a few days ago. But now it's back - not sore, still a tiny bit red, but back nonetheless. I totally went into meltdown last night assuming the worst and I have this constant 'sick' feeling of anxiety.
I booked to see the doctor on Wednesday even though I'm afraid she is going to laugh at me and tell me it's nothing.
Both myself and my DH have checked my breasts (not in a naughty way) and couldn't find any lumps at all. This is the only thing. I do check myself regularly anyway as my friend died from breast cancer two years ago.
I made the mistake of reading google last night and even though I know I shouldn't I've effectively convinced myself something serious is wrong. I'm sick of this. Sick of behaving this way. I'm a teacher for crying out loud - I should know better. I would never encourage any children to behave in this manner and I would be the first to help them stop panicking if they were. So why can't I do the same to myself? Should I be worried about this lump?

23-07-17, 17:36
Hi :)

I'm exactly the same as you regarding anything to do with my breasts so I really sympathise with your anxiety.. It's crap.

Is the lump on top of the skin, like a spot would be or under the skin so you can't see it only feel it?

To me, and I'm not a dr, sounds like a boil or a nasty spot... I get them under my armpits it's just comes with that area, with it being a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Try not to stress I'm sure it's perfectly normal x

23-07-17, 17:41
It's on top - you can see the lump when you look in the mirror. It's also still slightly red.
Thank you for taking the time to reply - means a lot to me :-)

23-07-17, 18:16
It does sound like a spot or an ingrowing hair. They can be quite difficult to get rid of too! X

23-07-17, 18:42
I agree, if it's on top of the skin, it's probably nothing serious and the fact you got gunk out of it points to it as well. My guess is a boil or suchlike. It will go eventually of its own accord eventually. Take it easy...big hugs.

24-07-17, 00:23
I'm afraid she is going to laugh at me and tell me it's nothing.

It's a boil/zit. Yeah, she'd have a giggle if you brought up cancer (privately for sure.. "Honey, you won't believe the patient I had today! Real HA sufferer. Thought a pimple was cancer!"). As for the lump? I can, with some extensive experience reading similar threads, I have a "Told ya so" all ready to go ;)

Positive thoughts

24-07-17, 01:03
Hi all.
I have really bad white coat syndrome. I always always assume the worst with anything!
About three weeks ago a sore lump (no bigger than a pea) appeared overnight under my armpit. Me being me, I squeezed it thinking it was a spot, and nothing. So I assumed it was a boil. Few days later I tried again and a load of crap came out. It started to go down a few days ago. But now it's back - not sore, still a tiny bit red, but back nonetheless. I totally went into meltdown last night assuming the worst and I have this constant 'sick' feeling of anxiety.
I booked to see the doctor on Wednesday even though I'm afraid she is going to laugh at me and tell me it's nothing.
Both myself and my DH have checked my breasts (not in a naughty way) and couldn't find any lumps at all. This is the only thing. I do check myself regularly anyway as my friend died from breast cancer two years ago.
I made the mistake of reading google last night and even though I know I shouldn't I've effectively convinced myself something serious is wrong. I'm sick of this. Sick of behaving this way. I'm a teacher for crying out loud - I should know better. I would never encourage any children to behave in this manner and I would be the first to help them stop panicking if they were. So why can't I do the same to myself? Should I be worried about this lump?

Sounds like it could be a small sebaceous cyst which are quite common.

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