View Full Version : I just feel like I'm slipping back.

24-07-17, 00:07
I'm disappointed, I was doing so well. But since I felt that little bump on the end of my jaw, next to my ear lobe I'm going through the same obsessive thoughts and actions. I'm not as bad, I mean I'm keeping busy and I do keep forgetting about it but remembering the bump makes me worry.

I'm at a loss as to whether to make a Dr's appointment, I don't really want to but my ear does actually hurt when I touch it (the bottom of it) and I am starting to think it is some kind of infection but my brain is thinking the worst things, like a tumour in my ear? I really don't want to go to the doctor. :weep::weep:

I think I'm worrying so much because I went to a funeral a few weeks ago where a familiy member died after a rare form of cancer in his ear spread and eventually killed him. I think this is what is causing me to spiral. Any advice?

bin tenn
24-07-17, 00:34
The call is ultimately yours, but I personally do not believe this warrants any kind of medical attention at all. How long has it been there? If less than two weeks, wait until the two week mark. If it grows significantly and/or you experience more symptoms before then, see your doc. Not because "that means it's awful", but because it may not get better on its own at that point.

Sounds like a lymph node, I think. No reason to freak out about it; it's doing its job. You'll be fine.

24-07-17, 06:05
I'm disappointed, I was doing so well.

Which you proved here:

I'm not as bad, I mean I'm keeping busy and I do keep forgetting about it but remembering the bump makes me worry.

That's progress. The alternative was that you didn't do that and struggled as you did before.

So, don't be so hard on yourself. It's all micro goals & small steps in recovery. Blips come but a measure of where we currently are is based on how we cope with them.

Expect blips. Accept them, they will upset you less the more you do. The less you get upset by them, the more you are moving forward.

Until you make significant progress you have to accept your subconscious will do what it did before. As your recovery progresses these things will change so be realistic about it, be positive. Don't focus on the negatives at the cost of the positives, remember the Cognitive Distortions.

I'm sorry to hear you have lost someone. :hugs: That alone can mean a blip or backslide but it's a shock for anyone so it's bound to impact on your mental health and reduce progress. This will ease and you will be back on course.

Given the circumstances you are not, understandibly, seeing your anxiety use that and make an a link. This triggers you and off the cycle goes. The subconscious have noticed a possible link and wants to protect you from it. There is no real link, it's just the fear cycle being cautious.

So, based on your symptoms do you think you need it treating? Take control of the reasons why you are going, rather than reacting to fear by seeking the reassurance of a check over.