View Full Version : Worried about artery in neck. Anxiety coming back.

24-07-17, 01:50
I've been great with Hypochindria for awhile now. Better than usual. Haven't been on any mess other than an occasional Xanax. I haven't been in the gym lately so my ancient seems to be creeping back in. I've debated on starting an SSRI back up it's been so rough but I've gotten by. My current worry is the artery in my neck being inflamed or of course something more sinister. I know where the worry comes from. My grandmother passed away years back from a problem with hers. She was of course 84 years old. But my anxiety does not discrimiante. I've got a pain right under the below my jawline on my neck that I can't cause to increase with movement. It's at random. I can't find the area with pressing around. I haven't been obsessively touching either as I don't want to cause more harm. I've been sick the past week and I'm the morning inqould prop up on my shoulder to blow my nose and cough up whatever I was producing. Which during laying down being propped up causes my neck to be at an odd angle. Rationally I say that the problem in the neck is a muscle or nerve that's irritated due to what I just mentioned. The pain is up to my ear and kind of down my color bone. Warm feeling at times. Turning my head doesn't increase in pain. Touching head to chest and swallowing does. Irrationally you know what my anxiety the ruler of my mind tells me it is as that's the basis of this rambling. Just looking to get this off my chest and maybe someone share some insight.

24-07-17, 09:16
Maybe I shliudlve made the post shorter.

25-07-17, 00:18
No one else has had this worry?

25-07-17, 01:50
I have had this worry too. It sounds to me like you maybe irritated something in your neck like a nerve or a muscle when you were propped up. Nothing to worry about. :)

25-07-17, 15:28
Hey I hope you can ease your mind, but I am pretty sure its the muscle!
Google sternocleidomastoid muscles and you will see that that one stretches exactly from the ear to the collar bone, where your pain appears.
The artery is beneath it and usually arteries and muscles have different type of pain.