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View Full Version : Worried about breast cancer (Male)

24-07-17, 13:55
Serious question.. i've noticed my breast are somewhat enlarged. Especially the left one. I don't know if it's because i've gained some weight because i'm still in pretty good shape overall. I used to take a medication called finasteride, for hair loss, but quit that 6 months ago. I wonder if that could've caused it, now the only medication i'm on is Escitalopram for anxiety.

I read somewhere male breast cancer is very rare? I'm worried why my breast are enlarged. It doesn't hurt or anything. I'm 27 with no family history of cancer

I'm concerned it's cancer. Should i be worried?

24-07-17, 14:12
I'm not a doctor, but I know that enlarged breasts in men can be caused by hormones.

I highly doubt it's anything bad at all, but if it's playing on your mind it might help you just to get it checked over so the doctor can tell you it's okay. :)

24-07-17, 16:34
It might help put your mind at ease if you go to the doctor just to get yourself checked. That doesn't mean you have Breast Cancer. It just might help put your mind to rest on the matter.

Yes, male breast cancer is rare. It usually occurs in men who are obese or significantly overweight. Are you noticing any abnormal lumps? Rashes? Is there any bleeding or discharge coming from your nipples? You said your chest doesn't hurt, so it's probably just excess tissue or hormones. It's funny what we don't notice on the normal basis and what our anxiety tends to focus on. My left breast is smaller than my right one but my GP told me I have no signs of B.C. your body is probably just a bit asymmetrical which is normal for humans :)

24-07-17, 17:02
I'm not noticing any abnormal lumps, just that my breast are larger than they used to be for sure. It's weird. I did gain a bit of weight i think, but i'm not overweight at all. No rashes or bleeding/discharge either luckily.

I've been worried about this for a while but i don't have any other symptoms..

26-07-17, 00:50
Has anyone else had this and know if it'll just go away? I was thinking exercising and getting in better shape may help..?

26-07-17, 00:57
You should get checked out if its something new and noticeable. Hormone levels were mentioned by another poster and I also work suggest looking into the matter. More likely you gain weight there as some men do. Getting older and being sedentary will definitely play apart. Nothing major to worry about, typically.