View Full Version : Should I have had a check up by now?

24-07-17, 15:37
I have been on cit for 8/9 weeks now - should i have had a follow up appointment with my GP?

I don't want to just be given these tablets and forgotten about!

24-07-17, 23:18
I have been on cit for 8/9 weeks now - should i have had a follow up appointment with my GP?

I think a follow up after 2-3 weeks would have been a good idea and also at 6-8 weeks which is when antidepressants will have kicked-in for most.

If you're having problems make an appointment to see your GP asap.

25-07-17, 17:16
I have now made an appointment but a little disappointed that i have been forgotten about almost! I am still having the occasional panic attack, not as bad as it was but i still think it should be monitored!

At least a phonecall to see how i am getting on would have been nice!

Oh well, we shall see what they say, although if its any of the doctors i saw before being diagnosed then they're useless....

26-07-17, 01:53
I have now made an appointment but a little disappointed that i have been forgotten about almost!

At least a phonecall to see how i am getting on would have been nice!

I blame the system more than the individual doctors, though many are not beyond criticism. The problem is health systems in most countries pays on patient turnover, not results. Doctors get paid the same for successes as failures. Another issue is med schools take the highest academic achievers, not necessarily those who would make the best doctors. Empathy should be part of the selection process, not just exam results. Doctors with 'good bedside manners' are becoming increasingly uncommon.

I am still having the occasional panic attack, not as bad as it was but i still think it should be monitored!

Yes. If the panic attack continue for much longer then a dose increase should be considered, imho.