View Full Version : Health anxiety driving me crazy - now it's bloating and cancer fears

25-07-17, 20:52
A little bit of background - hope it's not too much.

I am suffering a lot from health anxiety at the moment. It started last Christmas, when I had a lump on my leg. I convinced myself it was cancer, and I even felt my leg aching. On Christmas Eve I remember just feeling really sad and worried. One night I was even lying awake just feeling as though my anxious thoughts were spiralling out of control.

I went to the doctor after Christmas and she said it was a lipoma. I forgot all about it. Then I started to worry about my permanently swollen lymph nodes (in my neck and groin) instead. They have been swollen for about 20 years and I've been to various doctors about it. Eventually I had an ultrasound, and that was fine.

After that, my health anxiety focused on possible asbestos in my house and the lung cancers you could get as a result. I was obsessed with this for ages. I had an asbestos survey done - all clear - but had dreams about asbestos for months afterwards.

Then, I worried that my mum had a brain tumour. She didn't - she suffers from migraines. After that I worried about a mole that was bleeding - another GP visit - but it turned out to be a skin tag and it was bleeding because it had been knocked.

For a little while I worried that I had dementia because I kept forgetting things, but I've since put that down to stress.

A couple of weeks ago I started getting palpitations more often than usual so this caused a lot of worry about my heart. I went to the GP, who said they are normal, and within a couple of days I noticed them far, far less.

I also worried about chest pains, which have been diagnosed as costochondritis.

Now I am worried about an intermittent stitch that I have on my left side, as well as feeling bloated after meals sometimes. Last night I was very bloated and felt sick and scared about stomach cancer. So today, every time I have eaten a meal, I have worried about whether or not I will feel bloated afterwards. Tonight I had a slightly smaller dinner and I do feel bloated so of course I have convinced myself there is something badly wrong. I have noticed that I burp quite a lot as well.

My GP said that sometimes anxiety causes excess acid, which can cause these symptoms, and she has prescribed omeprazole. I am also having an abdominal ultrasound tomorrow but it's got to the stage now where I am afraid of eating my evening meal in case I feel bloated afterwards and this causes more worry.

I am also emetophobic and have got into a bit of a fear of going to bed in case I wake up in the night to be sick. I had the emetophobia pushed to the back of my mind until my daughter was born 4.5 years ago and now it is back at the forefront. I did actually have a tummy bug about a year and a half ago, and I keep getting flashbacks. Then a few weeks ago just felt randomly very nauseous and have felt scared of that happening again ever since.

Anyway, thank you for reading this incredibly massive mind-dump and I hope it is in the right forum. I suppose what I would really like to know is - is there anyone else out there who is like me? I'm 41, and female, by the way.

26-07-17, 21:46

Yes a lot of what you are going through is what I have experienced, and I'm sure that there are others out there too with similar stories. I have worried about my health on and off over the years but I have never had HA so bad as much as this year. Stress at home, work and 2 parents who have both been diagnosed with different cancers has all played a part in my spiralling HA.

The stomach issues I have had this year and am suffering again since a stomach bug (but so is my husband which weirdly consoles me that it is all part of the bug and not anything worse!) I had a stitch/ache on my left side which came and went which I put down to a muscle strain. One day I started to get really bad gas and I felt better burping (sorry tmi). Went to docs about it and he gave me omepraZole and said I had dyspepsia. I then developed terrible gastritis, burning, nausea etc which went on for a few horrible weeks. Eventually the ppis took over (my anxiety probably meant that my acid was sky high!) and it all settled down. I had all the blood tests under the sun plus stool test, an ultrasound and X-ray and all ok.

Since then I have worried about a lump on my ankle bone (just a spur) and yet another x ray.

I had citalopram which did settle me a little although took ages to work. I am on wait list for counselling which is huge. Hopefully a few more weeks (I've been waiting since Feb)

The HA makes me angry and sad, and it gets worse at certain times (pms) where I have to really try to ignore it or rationalise. HA is a beast in that there is always some condition to be worried about. Most people just get on with their lives. Us HAers don't. But we can. I waver....but I am determined to push past it and get my life back!

Good luck to you xx

27-07-17, 19:34
Thanks for your reply. I have got omeprazole now, but I am nervous about taking it. Did you find it okay in terms of side effects and so on?

I thought I was doing OK today and then this evening started to feel nauseous and weird and panicky (as well as gassy and burpy). So I just cannot get stomach cancer or something like that out of my head...living with the constant worry is really grinding me down. I'm hyper-aware of anything my body does.

But it sounds like you have had a positive experience with the PPIs so maybe I should give them a go...

Good luck to you as well xxx

28-07-17, 05:15
I had gastritis as well as acid and the anxiety on top meant my stomach and gI were messed up. I took PPI double dose for about 2 months in all and they had some effect after a couple of weeks. The anxiety hampered a lot of the recovery I think as my stomach was constantly churning and I had citalopram for it in the end and Eventually things calmed. Side effects I had were lots of gas and changes to "toilet" (sorry tmi) which freaked me out for ages but then I eventually believed that it was side effect and once I stopped PPI all went back to normal.

Take the PPI to address your tummy probs but also think about meds for anxiety.

Take care xx