View Full Version : Brain Fog & Short Term Memory Gone

25-07-17, 20:53
I have been freaking out because for about 2 weeks I am having some serious brain fog and my short term memory has been shot! I cant remember what I am supposed to be doing when I walk in a room or what I just finished doing 3 seconds ago. My wife could tell me something and It would not even register with me until the 3rd or 4th time. I went to the doctor who gave me a quick neurological test and said everything was okay but possibly a sinus infection.

I don't know how this could be anxiety related as anxiety didn't start to set in until after I started feeling these symptoms. Once the symptoms started I went into anxiety overload and had a couple of panic attacks thinking I had a brain tumor or early onset of some neurological disease. Ive tried resting and getting to bed early but nothing is working. I feel like I am completely stoned and my brain is just fogged up. Does anyone else experience this issue?

26-07-17, 05:07
Did you have an anxiety disorder already? And maybe these new symptoms triggered it to flare up?

I've certainly had your symptoms, and seen & talked with plenty who also have, and at times I would have brain fog in these periods or feel out of it.

26-07-17, 18:12
I get brain fog periodically, but completely forgetfulness not so much. I definitely exacerbate things with anxiety but I'm not sure how to treat it. Doctors wanted to me try Zoloft but that made me feel awful