View Full Version : Night sweats starting to worrying me.

25-07-17, 21:06
To start off, I have been to the doctor for what I thought were swollen lymphnodes in my neck. I had an unltrasound of my neck and doctor said I was good to go, nothing to worry about. Largest one was 1cm and is still there. Multiple palpable on right side of neck, one above collar bone on the left side (doctor didn't seem concerned about the one above the collar bone. Which is about pea sized. Cbc is clear as well. However, I have started having dripping night sweats it started with one every so often and now has progressed to a few a week. I called to inform my doctor and he said it's nothing to worry about. I haven't lost any weight since this all started in February. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but should I be concerned for lymphoma? I've also noticed a groin lymphnode is up now, not perviosly there because I normally check once every other week since im concerned maybe around pea sized. Thank you for your time.

25-07-17, 22:50
I'm curious: were you worried about lymphoma when you felt the nodes? Did you read various symptoms online?

It could be psychosomatic - your mind/anxiety expects this to be the next "symptom" so here it is. Anxiety is nasty like that.

I was getting night sweats for awhile - I woke up soaking wet in the middle of winter. I was scared to death too until it finally hit me - the nights that I had super-vivid dreams were the nights that I sweat a lot. Duh. Haha.

Sometimes there is a connection there, sometimes it's anxiety, sometimes your body just gets hot in the middle of the night. Your doc doesn't seem concerned and your tests all came back clear, so there's not really anything to worry about.

25-07-17, 23:57
I did have a while where I had bad ha over lymphoma. It was to the point where I couldn't function.However, I am a lot better about it now. It just seems odd that they won't go away even after ive gotten over this fear.

26-07-17, 14:55
Sometimes you can actively tell yourself that you're fine and over it, but your subconscious really isn't, so you start manifesting the symptoms you fear and your conscious mind thinks, "see!? I wasn't even worried about this anymore but now I have X symptom and since I wasn't worrying it can't be anxiety, so I must really be sick..."

HA is a nasty thing with vicious cycles. You have to keep fighting those fears until your subconscious gets over it and believes you. CBT can be helpful for that.

26-07-17, 19:15
I've always been a sweater at night but when I got cancer? We're talking head to toe, wring out the water sweats! I had to put bath towels under me when I went to sleep and it was nearly every night leading up to my diagnosis.

Keep in mind it's Summer and that can easily be contributing.

Positive thoughts

26-07-17, 19:26
I'm in the same scenario you are in right now, almost 3 weeks ago my lymph nodes had went up and I thought I had lymphoma as well. I went to he ENT who wasn't worried about it, and long behold, they're beginning to slowly go down.

Are you thin? Because I feel one node on the right side of my groin as well, I don't know if its always been there, but it seems like it should have, feeling them in your groin as a thin person is normal. As long as they're not huge or hard or anything like that. Source: http://www.bad.org.uk/shared/get-file.ashx?id=219&itemtype=document Read page 3.

It is the summer time, I get mild night sweats as well, but thats because I live in the desert in California and its SUMMER. The same thing could be happening to you, its hot out.
