View Full Version : Incapacity benefit medical HELP PLEASE

15-05-07, 18:18
I'm wondering if anyone can help, I have been requested to attend a medical:ohmy: , so I can carry on claiming incapacity benefit for anxiety and depression. I can remember a while ago seeing a link to the score sheet you are asked questions from, but I can't seem to find it. Does anybody remember the link or have any ideas how you are scored:shrug: . Thanks

15-05-07, 19:24
Hi Jane

Try this link theres some information that may help.



15-05-07, 19:41
:D Thanks Andrea:D

17-05-07, 10:27
:hugs: :hugs: Mingsy you may find this helpful, there a changes to PCA TEST in the future. you can read about these changes here!!!!:flowers: Love Sky


ESA, means employment and support allowances, the new changes to incapacity benefit. Good luck Hon!!!:hugs:

17-05-07, 14:35
Hi Mingsy

Ive been for two medicals with the DWP in the past and although they seem daunting it was actually Okay. They are NOT doctors so wont be performing any medical stuff. They will take you into a room (you can ask for someone to accompany you) and go through some forms asking you various questions. On both occasions, they were very nice towards me and gave me lots of time to answer. I just told them the truth and how my illness affects my quality of life. It tended to last about 40 minutes.

Good luck and just be yourself :yesyes:

17-05-07, 15:19
:D Thanks darkangel, I'm glad its not as daunting as it sounds:D

18-05-07, 20:33
No its not daunting. mine only lasted 20mins you have to score atleast 15. when i had mine the woman only scored me 6 which i thought was unfair. therefore my benefit stopped. so just make sure your really honest with them so they understand. good luck sarah x

18-09-07, 12:17
I would advise you to put down your worst day because if you suggest that you have good days they can and on many cases do, think you are fit for work. Taking someone along that understands the benefit sysyem is an advantage.
There is no need to lie about how you feel but I do strongly suggest that you put down your worst day. Mental health is harder to point than a physical issue.

lets us know how you get on

24-09-07, 17:18
I had one 2 years ago and it only lasted about 10 minutes.
I have also just been awarded disability living allowance 4 weeks ago,mid rate.
All I do is tell the truth about my life being hell and my doctor backed it up.
good luck.

love fly x