View Full Version : Afraid of liver problems

25-07-17, 23:44
So, I haven't really had that much anxiety in a while, but it seems to be coming back at least momenteraly.

So, I've had this weird abdominal discomfort almost the entire day. I wasn't really freaking out because I've felt similar stuff before, just not for that long. But of course I decided to start googling (I've tried my best to stay away from it).
And now I'm afraid I fatty liver, or worse, liver failure, and it makes me too scared to sleep (it's 1:35 AM here).

At the moment I'm experiencing occasional middle-lower back pain thst kinda feels like when you've been in one position for too long, and occasional upper abdominal pain, more on the right side.

Symptoms that I've had earlier today are:
-Abdominal discomfort
-Diarrhea (only had to go to the toilet thrice because of it though)
-Upper, and maybe some middle/lower abdominal pain

I'm a 18 year old female, overweight and don't move enough.
Aka, I'm more or less in the risk group for pretty much anything that can kill you.

I'll most likely call the local health center in the morning.

26-07-17, 19:18
At 18, it would be incredibly rare for you to have liver issues. With anxiety, abdominal symptoms as you described are some of the most common.

Check out the similar threads at the bottom of the page.

Positive thoughts