View Full Version : Brain fog or trouble concentrating?

26-07-17, 00:58
I've recently noticed I've had some brain fog which has made it extremely difficult to think and remember things I need to. Sometimes I'll just walk into a room and complete forget what I was doing. I'm making myself anxious and crazy by thinking I should remember things I can't. I don't know what to do, I went to the doctors and they looked in my eyes and said I was fine

26-07-17, 03:31
Not really abnormal happens to alot of people. Get where your coming from thou. You start to overthink yourself and forget what you were even thinking about.

Here is what you do if this happens and it might sound strange or stupid. Do nothing forget what you forgot about. Not easy I know.

Do you remember your name?
Phone number.
Other thing?

26-07-17, 03:47
Yeah I can remember the basics, it's usually when involving a task requiring me to pay attention. Like if I'm doing a task or talking to someone I'll forget what I'm doing or what we were talking about

26-07-17, 04:09
Right it happens. I will be thirsty and go downstairs and be like what I come down here for. Then look in the wash machine. Crazy stuff go nack upstairs and then say what the hell did I just do. I get where your at..sometimes even thou not funny you have to laugh about it.

Best advice I can give is dont worry about it. Everytime it happens say the alphabet backwards if you can get to A your fine. Hope you understand what I am saying?

Take Care..