View Full Version : Came off Sertraline?

26-07-17, 01:01
In the interests of positive thinking, does anyone have a success story about coming off Sertraline cold turkey? From 50mg to nothing?

I have to say it would be better than reading about potential side-effects and withdrawal symptoms!

28-07-17, 00:15
Ok, no responses so I'll write my own. I've been off sertraline for two weeks now. There has been no high anxiety at all so I feel good about that. The only thing I've noticed is a slight light-headedness/dizziness but it's very slight. If it continues like this the it'll be a piece of cake. I've been encouraged by reading some research that only 30% of people get withdrawal symptoms and of those only about a third again who were taking sertraline. Fingers crossed and getting on with life.

01-08-17, 18:56
Soooooo....now nearly 3 weeks in and how am I doing? Well, still good enough to keep this in the Success Stories section. I've experienced some electric shock type symptoms but they have been so smooth they were barely noticeable. There has also been tiny tiny tiny bouts of anxiety but again, compared to what I had before they are nothing.

At the moment I seem to have made the right decision. Now to come out as gay and see how that goes.

02-08-17, 10:26
Hi Martyn,
well many congratulations on coming off sertraline that's great news you haven't had terrible withdrawals like you read about.
I hope your coming out is as successful as your withdrawal!
Best wishes

13-08-17, 12:47
Hi glad to here your not experiencing many bad withdrawal symptoms,I've been reading your post with interest. I'm on 100mg of Setraline for anxiety and panic. I want to come off it as I don't think it's helped me much but all the horror stories of withdrawal have me scared. How are you doing now. Ps. I'm the mother of a gay son. He is the best thing that ever happened to me. Be who you are. Life's to short to not be who you are.

13-08-17, 13:14
It's sad that so many people lurk, read and do not offer support. This forum has turned into whining session with little support.

I was on Zoloft for 20 days, 25mg. I had a meltdown and my brain wouldn't stop spinning. The meds helped but the side effects were horrendous, I lost 4 pounds, (I'm small to begin with) I couldn't eat, sleep and felt like I had an alien in my brain.

It was a Friday night and the doctors were closed. I decided that I would rather be me then be a zombie. I too was afraid of withdrawals but I couldn't wait til Monday. So I just lowered my dose and I was fine. I now work with the tools my therapist gave me and other suggestions from posters here.

I am pretty much anxiety free and I have never felt better. I have my moments but I know what to if that happens.

Feel free to PM if you would like.

Congrats on being drug free. We can conquer anxiety!

I didn't even think about you coming out as gay, it's no big deal to me. I have gay friends, neighbors and relatives. I'm sure it will be stressful for you, however you will get through it. Embrace the people that accept you and to hell with the ones that don't. Life is to short to worry about small minded people.

It's your life, how do you want to live it?

13-08-17, 14:13
Brilliant post snowghost. So true. I think that when people recover from anxiety they tend to just get on with life and try put the bad times behind them. That's why there is so much horror stories and not enough positive ones
,I read a great blog from a guy called Hugo rock called calmandcourageous he has recovered from anxiety and is very inspirational.

13-08-17, 14:24
Thank you for your reply, Shirl, Is Hugo on this forum? Is his post on the anxiety thread? I enjoy reading success stories, we need more of them and how we slayed the anxiety dragon!

13-08-17, 20:45
Hi snowghost. Like you I try to search for positive posts on anxiety. This is my first day on this forum. The first thing I looked for was success stories. Like you I think there is to much doom and gloom. So I try not to look at negative posts anywhere. Hugo rock was a blog I found when I was looking for positive outcomes on anxiety ,I suffer from gad. He suffered from anxiety for years then decided he couldn't live as he had being doing and decided to change his life without medication his blog is called calmandcourageous I can't post a link as I don't think it's allowed you can look it up on google

.it truly is insparational. Whenever I feel bad I go to his website and it picks me up again. It's great to know that this doesn't have to be a lifelong condition.

08-09-17, 19:52

I have not been on here for a while I was starting to get better but it has all come back:(

I had an awful year in 2016 and I think after finding my nan dead my body went into shock,I then had a little health scare which planted a seed in my head and it turned in extreme health anxiety. I have never experience awful pains in my life I was so bad I wanted to die :( But I have two beautiful children and I had to pull myself together. Looking back I wish the doctor prescribed me with something but they wouldn't.

I have a new doctor who prescribed me with 50mg of Sertraline a few weeks ago and I still have not taken them. I am feeling okay I still have bad days and feel low but I just want some feedback as I have never taken any medication before?. My symptom for anxiety is no where near as bad as it was but I still have trouble breathing I panic alot and lose my temper I struggle to breathe.

Well done for coming off and hopefully you wont ever need them again. That is what is putting me off is if I end up becoming addicted and reliant. Jo