View Full Version : Feel like I'm never going to beat this. Hair stress again

27-07-17, 09:09
I've spent the last two months obsessing over hair loss. And when I say obsessing, I'm not kidding! I've been to the doctor twice, had a load of bloods done which were all within normal range (even though I worry that they were not right in the middle of normal). I brush my hair through with my fingers in the morning and I lose over 20 hairs. Loads more if I use a hair brush. When I wash it I count at least 30 and a similar number must go straight down the drain. So of the 100 hairs you're meant to lose in a day, that's at least 90 in the first hour! And that's just the ones I manage to count! I think my hair looks so thin at the sides now although the top is still thick. My Dr has prescribed me citalopram which I requested but since reading that it can cause hair shedding I am too scared to take them. I am seriously considering spending out to see a private dermatologist but I don't have much spare cash. I feel like I am never going to beat because I don't know how to stop when I can see hair all the time! When I'm out now all I do is look at other people's hair, I feel like I'm losing the plot.

27-07-17, 11:54
You probably aren't losing as much hair as you think. Of course when you wash your hair you are going to lose a lot. A certain number of hairs are always at the stage where they are supposed to come out. But remember they are being replaced by new hairs. I went through this fear when I had HA. It would have been a few years ago now. I was convinced I was losing all my hair. I had blood tests done too. My hair is still as thick as ever but you could t have convinced me of that during the year or so I agonised over my hair "loss".

27-07-17, 12:20
Have you tried any vitamin tablets for this. The health shops such as Holland and Barratt will advise you. Or go on line and look what they say.
I hope you are using a conditioner. Don't use a brush but a wide tooth comb.
Two lots of my meds say hair loss too.
Years ago I saw a hair loss specialist , Cannot remember what he was called. Had my hair cut very short. I told my GP about the treatment I was having and he told me I had wasted my money. Anyway after the points I have made. I still have hair, although I am getting on in age. Good Luck x

27-07-17, 14:30
Have a read of this. I reckon it's what I had. The shock to the system being HA.


27-07-17, 16:25
Oh dear I hope it isn't this as I have chronic anxiety so I'm worried it will all fall out in the end. It's reassuring to know that others can relate to this, thanks so much for the replies.

29-07-17, 11:06
My hair used to fall out in clumps when I'd condition it in the shower. It used to scare me until I asked other women and found it was very common. There's tonnes of reasons this happens. Hormones, contraceptive pills, weight changes, stress. Mine used to happen when I'd lose weight. I can't think of many serious illness which cause it.

29-07-17, 11:43
Thank you. I'm mostly worried about going bald. I know that wouldn't even be the worst thing in the world by any means but I'm so fixated on it now that I'm totally in fear every time I wash and brush my hair, I just have massive anxiety. I guess it's just another focus for my anxiety. Other women do also tell me that they lose a lot in the shower. I just feel like it's falling out all over the place! I'm taking super expensive hair vitamins too.