View Full Version : Online talking therapy

27-07-17, 09:40
I've just signed up for NHS online therapy after receiving a flyer through the door. I've just got to say that I feel so excited about this! There may finally be an alternative to the endless on-off antidepressant cycle and hit-and-miss approach to trying different ways to cope. I've never had one-to-one therapy before, and I'm hoping for suggestions more tailored to me as an individual rather than "other people who suffer similarly have found this helpful ..." There's an old Buddhist parable to the effect that the world is covered with sharp stones, and there are two approaches to dealing with this: either carpet the whole world, or make yourself a pair of shoes! I have never had any success with carpeting the world ... I know the therapist can't wave a magic wand and I will have to do the work, but I think one-to-one feedback and accountability will be enormously helpful. Is a happier, less catastrophe-focused, more productive me a possibility? Maybe, just maybe! Wish me luck!

27-07-17, 10:37
Today's therapy is awesome. I tried it years ago with no success. This year I had a few rough spots and couldn't cope, all I did was cry. I tried meds, nope I felt like a fruit loop. My therapist gave me tools on how to deal with my intrusive thoughts, we sat and talked one on one. She is awesome! It takes work and strength, however I feel we all can conquer anxiety, I did.

28-07-17, 16:56
I tried it, and I think it is a great idea because you can do it at a time that suits you.

The only problem I had is that I type very quickly, and the therapist typed very slowly, which meant that we didn't get through a lot each session. But I still think it's great and it is amazing that we can access it for free and without a waiting list. Is it IESO that you are doing?

30-07-17, 18:58
Hi, yes it is IESO. I've had such an anxious weekend that I can't wait!