View Full Version : First day back at the gym... left with anxiety.

27-07-17, 15:48
So today was my first day at the gym after all that heart scare stuff. I wanted to start off slow so I did 10 minutes on the stair stepper and 20 on the treadmill. After the stair stepper I was feeling great!!!!!! So I decided to continue my aerobic exercise on the treadmill. I did more of a fast walk at like a 3.5 on the treadmill. It was great. I felt great. When I got off I started to get dizzy kinda. Not really dizzy but off balance. I didn't do a cool down and I know this was my mistake. So when I touched the ground I felt like I was still moving. Of course I started to panic. I paced back and forth trying to get it together. But ultimately the discomfort of the anxiety was too much and I left. In the car I was so mad at myself I wanted to cry. I felt like I let anxiety get the best of me. The anxiety part was telling me something was wrong. Even though I knew that could be a normal reaction off the treadmill especially since I didn't cool down properly. But that even crazier thing is, is that I actually feel really good.

---------- Post added at 14:48 ---------- Previous post was at 14:46 ----------

I feel energized and accomplished. I will try again tmw. But I'm having trouble getting the anxious thoughts to reside. I had plans to have a productive day off and I don't want to be crippled by my anxiety. Because part of me wants to go lay in bed... any positive thoughts?

27-07-17, 15:57
Don't beat yourself up too much. You got yourself to the gym, and that's more than what most people can accomplish. Feeling weird at the gym is OK, and there are so many factors that can contribute to it, like did you drink enough water? Did you eat beforehand? If this is your first time working out in a while, it can be a little shocking to the body and we might not always get the results we want. Also, pay attention to your body and what exercises work for you right now. I love getting on the stationary bike and elliptical, I feel great on both. However, don't get me on the treadmill because I will feel extremely dizzy and off. Go back tomorrow, and see how you feel! Do you have someone that can go with you? Even better! Getting a gym buddy can help you stay accountable and motivated.

27-07-17, 18:00
Getting back to the gym after an anxiety attack it's difficult, I think it's best you ease your way back into the situation. Your body and your mind need to slowly be reintroduced to elavating your heart rate without associating it with panic or anxiety. Took me months to become aclimated after being extremely active all my life