View Full Version : Scared to go to bed

27-07-17, 22:23
Its late and I know I have to go to bed soon. I get so frightened because I know I will have to get up in the morning and it will all start again. Wake up scared stiff of the day ahead, the anxiety attacks, being alone, it may be the day I die.

27-07-17, 22:25
You wont die. Try to replace those negative thoughts with positive ones. Easier said than done i know trust me. Are you on any meds?

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27-07-17, 22:31
yes Citalopram 40mg been on them for years GP offered to change to Sertraline but to scared to change. I just hate feeling this way I cant stop worrying I will die stop breathing. I know its me doing it to myself but I cant seem to be able to fight it .

28-07-17, 14:30
Sending you a big hug!

Can i ask why you think you will stop breathing? Is it because the anxiety attacks make you feel short of breath? Or is it a general fear of death? If you can explain more, maybe me or others can offer some suggestions.

28-07-17, 14:39
I scared I'm going to die any minute. Wont be able to take another breath and die. Been like it for 2 weeks I cant even talk to anyone as I'm so consumed with my fear, not even my Daughters. I need help desperately I haven't been out of the house since last week when I went to the doctors to get help, with my Husband. I will be getting over the phone support but have been told it may take two months. What can I do in the meantime. Go crazy, lose my mind drive my family away. I don't know what to do I feel I'm getting worse not better, the feelings just wont go away.

28-07-17, 15:14
I scared I'm going to die any minute. Wont be able to take another breath and die. Been like it for 2 weeks I cant even talk to anyone as I'm so consumed with my fear, not even my Daughters. I need help desperately I haven't been out of the house since last week when I went to the doctors to get help, with my Husband. I will be getting over the phone support but have been told it may take two months. What can I do in the meantime. Go crazy, lose my mind drive my family away. I don't know what to do I feel I'm getting worse not better, the feelings just wont go away.Do you see a therapist

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28-07-17, 15:26
No I have to wait two months

28-07-17, 16:05
My advice is to go back to the doctor.

1. Be brave and try the Sertraline. Citalopram clearly hasn't worked for you.

2. Ask about a fast acting option such as Diazepam. It sounds like you need to break he cycle of anxiety. Diazepam has proven success in the immediate treatment of severe anxiety. It's just for short term use until the Sertraline effect kicks in.

28-07-17, 16:17
Frightened of changing my meds read so many bad stories on here