View Full Version : DVT Risk Fears?

28-07-17, 02:16
For years (6 to be exact) I've had a lump on my lower leg. My doctor told me it was a lipoma, basically a fat deposit, years ago. It's only there when stepping or flexing and a new doctor at my school told me she thinks its actually a fascial hernia, basically my leg muscle has a hole and it pops through when I put pressure down, which makes sense to me. She told me to follow up with my GP. But now that I'm home I'm freaking out about this causing a DVT. Being on the pill, this was already a fear of mine and now I see a risk factor for DVT is inflammation/damaged veins. I have no idea if this thing is even damaging a vein or how deep it goes. But my follow up isn't till the end of August and I'm terrified and can't find any information. I need to be on the pill for other medical reasons so I can't just stop that but still this is one of my worst fears.

28-07-17, 09:00
I think everyone has thought of DVT at some point or another I know I have, I had real DVT symptoms one time even the doc said so but turned out not to be one. I've never heard of it causing clots you must be reading the internet. I wouldn't Google it, don't worry about it unless you have pain and swelling redness or purple skin with the swelling.