View Full Version : Multiple Cysts...?

28-06-17, 21:43
Ok so I've had this lump under my skin on my right inner thigh right on my bikini line and I've had it for months and I'm starting to really worry about it. It's not red or hot or have a yellow head or anything like that so I don't know if it's a boil or just a cyst. It's slightly tender but if I don't press on it, I don't really notice it's there. The skin above it seems to be slightly purple in discoloration so I don't really know what would cause that.
I had a similar situation on the other leg before that I went to the doctor over and she told me it was just an infected ingrown hair and gave me antibacterial cream to put on it and that one eventually went away.
I've been putting cream on this one for months, to no dismay and to say the least, I'm quit concerned, especially with what Google has been telling me about this kind of stuff.
I recently got a small area of petechiae on my upper arm that everyone is assuring me is nothing, but I can't help but think that this is connected to this lump I have somehow, perhaps its giving me sepsis.
Anyway, if anyone is familiar with this kind of thing, please let me know whether or not I should be this concerned about it. :weep:

28-06-17, 22:18
Sounds like a Sebaceous cyst. Being female they are VERY common in our girly regions even just on the edge

29-06-17, 02:21
Yeah that's what I Rationally thought it was to begin with, especially considering I got it when I was doing a lot of ballet and it rests right where my leotard would be. Sometimes it's just hard to see past the fear from my anxiety to be able to think rationally about things. Thank you! :hugs:

---------- Post added 29-06-17 at 01:21 ---------- Previous post was 28-06-17 at 21:22 ----------

Quick question though just to ease my anxiety- If it was a sebaceous cust, would it be fluctuatin in size? Because I was applying tea tree oil on it for a while and it shrunk down some and then I ran out and it has gotten significantly bigger. Can that still be a cyst or is it actually an infection I should be worried over?

29-06-17, 21:08
Nah it's probably has to do with the tea tree oil drying it up some and then when you stopped applying it, it just got fluid in it again! That's pretty common.

I get them down below too! One thing that might help it? Sitz baths!

---------- Post added at 16:08 ---------- Previous post was at 16:07 ----------

Also if that is where your leotard is rubbing that ups my answer to an almost POSITIVE Sebaceous cyst! It's probably blocked a duct

29-06-17, 21:20
Hi ScaredLizard, Sebaceous cysts fluctuate in size all the time. I have one on my back and it does that too.

Tea tree oil helps to dry it, so it makes sense that the cyst would get smaller. I'm currently giving mine a treatment with apple cider vinegar. Hope it prevents me from having to remove the cyst surgically. :-)

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01-07-17, 08:34
Thank you both so much for your replies, I just have one more follow-up question because for some reason my health anxiety won't let go of this one, but do sebaceous cysts have heads? I looked at it and it seems to have a reddish "head" area though I don't think it would pop if that makes sense. (there just seems to be one area of the cysts that is redder than the surrounding area, could this be sign of infection?) I'm getting really paranoid about this since I've had it for so long, my anxiety is making me think this is some serious infection that will give me sepsis so any help at all is really truly appreciated!

01-07-17, 10:35
My cyst gets reddish on top when it's irritated by my bra. This doesn't mean that it's infected. If it doesn't hurt, it's not infected. Trust me, you would definately know if the cyst was infected. :-)

Put some tea tree oil on it, and maybe a warm cloth? If it still worries you, you can always contact your gp.

Good luck!

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01-07-17, 15:55
Well it does hurt when its pressed on? Is that typical with a cyst?

01-07-17, 16:53
I've had cysts in my groin crease that have been painful to touch, they have always gone eventually but I did have to go a few days without wearing pants as they rubbed on it which didn't help.
Mine were red and occasionally purple. I have a scar from one that is purple. If you are still concerned then go see your GP then hopefully you'll get some peace of mind :)

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01-07-17, 21:35
If you are still concerned then go see your GP then hopefully you'll get some peace of mind :)

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I second that. :-)

I can imagine that if you were poking the cyst for days it could get a bit irritated. In my case, when the cyst was infected it got swollen, stinking puss was leaking out of it, the skin surrounding it felt hot and the pain made me think of an alien, expanding under my skin and trying to make his way out of my body. A bit exaggerated but you get the picture. ;-)

As a funny side note - since the cyst infection the code name my boyfriend and I use for my cyst is "the alien". :-)

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02-07-17, 23:24
Sounds like a sebaceous cyst. I've had several... Some went away on their own, one I lanced (do NOT try that, mistake), and one got infected and had to be drained. In each case it was annoying and scary for an HA sufferer but they are NOT dangerous, precancerous, etc. And yes, their is often a darker "head" in the middle that is visible. The dermatologist told me it was because a hair follicle was involved. Also some discoloration is normal. Obviously no one can tell you for sure what it is unless you get a real diagnosis, but it does sound very much like a common, harmless cyst.

06-07-17, 04:16
Thank you all so much for your replies! I'm still worried, however, since everything I read tells me that cysts shouldn't hurt, but this one definitely causes some pain when its touched. I have a terrible fear of doctors and I feel like if I went to one now, they would tell me that I waited too long and that I actually do have sepsis or something as a result of it. I'm trying really hard to get my anxiety under control and I've been in therapy for my OCD for over a year. I think that if I can just convince myself that it is not actually some terrible infection, then I may be fine.
So just a question for anyone who's had an infected cyst: How do I know if this is an infection? Is there any way to tell if it is just a cyst or a boil?
Thank you all so much once again, any help is appreciated greatly.

06-07-17, 06:24
I haven't had an infected sebaceous cyst, but infections tend to have red angry skin around them and be hot to the touch. A cyst that has a plugged hair follicle will be sore if you press on it... I've had an ingrown hair that lumped up into a cyst and was quite sore.

Maybe you want to try this: "Apple cider vinegar is a useful remedy for treating infected sebaceous cyst completely at home. To remove pus from the inflamed cyst, apply some natural vinegar on cyst and cover it with a piece of cloth or bandage. After 3 or 4 days, remove the bandage. A hard layer will develop on cyst. As you remove the hard layer, pus oozes out. Clean the pus and apply a new bandage on it. After 2-3 days, remove the bandage to experience a new skin."

06-07-17, 11:37
Patroclus, I already described what an infected cyst feels like and based on what you described I can safely conclude thay your cyst is not infected.

Infected cyst hurts also when you don't touch it. It really feels as if something was expanding under your skin. Also your cyst doesnt leak foul smelling, waterish liquid or white puss. So it's 100% not infected!!

Btw, my cyst also tends to hurt if I press it. Just stop prodding it, cover it with vinegar or tea tree oil and let it be. Or go to a surgeon and get it removed.

Good luck!

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07-07-17, 08:25
You're all right, I'm sorry for posting on this thread so much and I think my anxiety about this is finally dying down. Lately, I've had health anxiety over multiple miscellaneous things happening in my body and I feel like any reassurance I can get helps drastically in trying to deal with the terrible anxiety I get. Thank you all so so much and hopefully this will be the last time I post about this! :hugs:

17-07-17, 04:19
So I've had this small lump under the skin slightly to the left of my tailbone and it has been there for at least a few weeks or perhaps I've had it longer than that and I've only just noticed it. It is not red or leaking anything at all (I don't even think it has a head). Also, I accidentally slid off of a chair earlier and now it seems to be slightly bigger and a tas bit more tender though its not noticeably painful. I looked it up and most things are saying it is ansimple cyst and of course some are saying its some rare cancer. What concerns me though is that if it is a cyst, then this would make it the third cyst I currently have on my body. I have had a ganglion on my wrist for a few years, what I believe to be a sebaceous cyst on my bikini line, and now there's this. Is there some reason that my body is making all of these cysts or is it really some sort of cancer? I'm only 19 so I'm not quite sure why my body is so poor already. Some please help since I have more than extreme anxiety about going to the doctor so much so that it seems virtually impossible so any help on here is deeply appreciated.

17-07-17, 12:44
You need to commit to a GP appointment once a year at least to address these long-term fears. If you can pay for a phone, internet, etc you can pay for one visit. With no insurance where I live a doctor visit is about 150 bucks. Not cheap but you need to do it, to get some mental peace. Also, I am prone to cysts, as is my dad. Age has little to do with it, and you need to stop thinking of your body as doing "poorly" because of them. They are harmless and extremely common. Your body is young and strong... It's your mental state that is weakened. Your can strengthen yourself but addressing your health anxiety, your fear of doctors, and by developing a system by which you can seek medical support for reassurance every so often (and care when you really need it, like if one of the cysts becomes painful).

18-07-17, 13:19
Most likely it's a pilonidal cyst. I had one removed. Very common and nothing to be concerned about. See the doc and get it confirmed of course but nothing to be worried about at this point.


28-07-17, 03:23
So I've been having problems with cysts surrounding my bikini line for about a year or two now. It started with one on my right side that I went to the doctor for and she told me it was just an ingrown hair and gave me antibiotic cream to put on it & also told me to put a warm compress on it, which I did and didn't worry about it too much afterwards.
However, since then I have gotten more cysts, including one on my left side that has been here for months. As of right now, I have two cysts on my left side and one rather large one that just showed up today on my right side, as well as on at the base of my tailbone. I'm basically a walking cyst at this point. I'm not sure if they are infected, however, since although they are painful, they do not appear to be red or leaking pus or anything like that.
Anyway I was wondering what exactly could cause all of this, and figured I would ask around here first before rushing to the doctor, convinced that I am dying. Googling the symptoms, as we all know, has brought me no relief at all and instead has me somewhat convinced that I will turn septic as a reault of all of this.
Thank you so much in advance for any help!

28-07-17, 05:36
What do you use to remove hair there? Wax, Nair, razor? I ask because you may be allergic to one of these products, or they just might not be conducive to your skin type. Some people will get these every time they use a razor down there, yet have no problems using wax. Others can't use wax, but can use the razor. After you heal down there, you might want to try a different method of hair removal and see if you keep having the same issues. You also might consider moving up a size in your underwear or changing the material in your underwear. Underwear rubbing or material can also cause cysts in that area.

28-07-17, 07:24
I rarely ever shave actually but I think all of this started getting worse when I was doing ballet classics semi-regularly and perhaps the leotard rubbing om the area worsened everything? I can't be certain but my health anxiety seems to want me to think this is all because of something seriously wrong with me :/

28-07-17, 07:53

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


28-07-17, 09:40
I also experience this, I am a dance teacher and when I was training at uni I was forever getting cysts in that area. When it was particularly painful I'd go to bed and things without wearing pants which seemed to ease it a bit. I tend to leave mine alone until they go of their own accord.
When I visited the doctors they did say it was quite common for cysts to return. I unfortunately have some scars from mine too but the cysts do go eventually :)

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29-07-17, 20:11
Ok so it makes sense then that I'm getting them a lot more often since I was doing ballet. However, I am wondering whether or not theyre infected because everything I've read says that if a cyst is painful, then it is infected. And since I have 4 of them all at the same time, I'm quite worried there's some serious issue with me. What's odd though is that they do't appear to be red or hot, they just hurt a great deal.

29-07-17, 20:18
My guess is they hurt a lot because they keep getting irritated by dance and clothing.

22-01-19, 14:28
Hi ScaredLizard, Sebaceous cysts fluctuate in size all the time. I have one on my back and it does that too.

Tea tree oil helps to dry it, so it makes sense that the cyst would get smaller. I'm currently giving mine a treatment with apple cider vinegar. Hope it prevents me from having to remove the cyst surgically. :-)

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Hi I no this is an old thread but I to have one on my back that seems to go up and down in size. Is there anything you found treated yours or did you need surgery thank you