View Full Version : Starting to doubt I even have anxiety, but an actual physical illness.

28-07-17, 05:06
My (seemingly) anxiety started about a month ago when I put my head in bed and felt a lump in my throat. From that day forward, ive been having (seemingly) high anxiety or anxiety attacks. They start out with the feeling of chest pressure, always, My heart doesnt race but my heart beat does "pump" harder.

I have been experiencing some weird symptoms recently, in the last 3 weeks, ive developed these symptoms, ill italicize the ones I believe arent causes by anxiety, and bold the ones that can go either way or the ones in which I am unsure if theyre normal. ill also put how long Ive had each symptom. Theyre almost always constant. But some do disappear for a time in the day.

- Swollen Glands in neck (2-3 weeks)
- Stuffy nose one side alternating (2-3 weeks, maybe longer)
- Mucus in throat (1 month+)
- Sore throat (2-3 weeks)
- White/Clear Mucus (2-3 weeks)
- Everything leaves imprint on skin (less than a week)
- Muscle aches in different parts of body (less than a week)
- Neck and shoulder aching/pain? (1-2 weeks, maybe less than a week)
- Burning sensations in muscles, mostly legs (less than week)
-Slight lightheadness (1 week)
- Feeling that my chest gets heavy and im going to die (1 month+)
- Initial swallowing issues which seemingly come and go (1 month+)
- Abdomen Swelling (less than a week)
- Palpable lymph nodes in groin (just noticed them but couldve been there for who knows how long)
- (Seemingly) harder heart beat (noticed this week)
- Alternating Diarrhea and constipation (2 weeks maybe longer)
- Weak appetite/Weird appetite (2 weeks maybe longer)
- Weird head tension/Feelings of dropping (1 week)
- Pretty big testicles [why did I mention this], bigger than normal atleast. (who knows, just noticed today)

Facts I should include: I've been sleeping at 12-3AM almost everynight watching videos or browsing the web. I usually slept at 9 or 8 before all this. I live in California and its HOT, all the time. I'm 16 years of age.
I've been to 3 doctors who told me I had a swollen uvula and an ENT specialist who found nothing wrong, that it wasnt a "swollen uvula", and told me its probably all in my head. Got a chest x-ray a month ago when this all began, all clear.

Sidenote: My legs get that burning sensation mostly at night, along with that lightheaded feeling. Thanks to all who've read all this. Godbless you :yahoo:.

28-07-17, 18:22
No one? My parents sharply refuse to take me to any hospital. They say mostly everything I feel is just "puberty" (im 16), im not sure, how could they be certain...

28-07-17, 18:51
Hi, as someone who deals with constant health anxiety can I suggest that maybe your body is fighting some type of minor infection and the anxiety is just making your symptoms worse?

Muscle aches, tiredness, light headedness, etc. could all be related to your mucus, glands, sore throat. I'm not a doctor but if I were to have all of those symptoms I would probably assume my body was either fighting something or coming down with something. I can't comment on the testicle part since I'm not a male but I would guess it's unrelated.

Get some rest and hope you feel better soon.

28-07-17, 19:04
The first half of your list sounds like sinuses. Either allergies or from I I get is irritation from being in an air conditioned room.

The rest sound like when my body is tense from my anxiety.

But you've been cleared by your ENT and doctors... so it's all anxiety.