View Full Version : Dropping in chest

15-05-07, 20:26
The last few days my anxiety has been worse than ever, it has completely knocked me out. I think I had a panic attack the other day, but I'm not sure, it felt awful.

Anyway, I have had a couple new symptoms in the last week. The first is hard to explain. It feels like a sudden drop in the chest, like going over a humpback bridge, or dropping on a roller coaster, but the feeling is in the chest instead. It only lasts a second or so, earlier I felt a couple beats of my heart too, it seems to happen 3 or 4 times a day. I've noticed I get missed beats too, I think I've had them ages, but not really thought much about them.

The other is a tight grabbing feeling at the base of my throat/top of chest. Like someone has their hand around the bottom of my throat. My throat also feels a bit dry.

I'm seeing a mental health practitioner next week. Then I might go and see the doctor again, as I couldn't be anymore sure something is wrong. I'll reply to the other posts I made here soon too, they haven't gone unnoticed. Thanks. :)

16-05-07, 00:40
Hi pgw

I too have the dropping feeling in the chest, I used to get it as I was dropping off to sleep but now I get in during the day as well. I don't know what it is either, but as I've had it quite a while, I think it must just be anxiety, I also get the same thing sometimes in my head, like for a split second everythings gone! I dunno this damn anxiety can do anything to ya body.

I hope that you get on ok with the mental health practioner.

Take care for now


16-05-07, 03:59
I am pretty sure I get the samething.Actually I have associated it with what was missed beats..Also get the thing around the throat and sometimes feels almost like someone trying to cut my air off..but feel a dropping sensation there too.. I don't know what either of these amount to other than normal.. I suppose.

I have always felt them most of my life but seem to notice or dwell on them when I am worried about myself.I don't know whether to say they are normal or abnormal but can say I get them too and im an anxious person or well at least im trying to get out of being anxious..Not sure its working but thought I would add my two cents in there..

16-05-07, 04:17
I get things like this too, I'm pretty sure it's all anxiety, as I'm still here and not feeling any worse. So many unpleasant things are due to anxiety, I bet that's what the doc says too.

16-05-07, 12:30
I get this to, it's one of my worst symptons of anxiety, it's exactly like you're at the top of a roller coaster and suddenly drop down, I get mine in the pit of my stomach and it leaves an awful after feeling that I find so hard to shake.

16-05-07, 13:29
Hi pgw
I get this too. and i hate it so much. i never really knew what is was, but just put it down to anxiety. Just try to distract your self when this happens. hard I know, but it seems to work for me

16-05-07, 19:27
I have felt this for as long as i can remember and it scares the life out of me but it seems we all suffer!

I tend to try and cough to get my breath back and stop it doing it if I can

Nervous Wreck
18-05-07, 12:41
I get that feeling in my chest. Sometimes it wakes me up from sleep, or it sometimes happens just as I'm dropping off to sleep. I think its likely to be just a big muscle spasm caused by muscles in the chest being tensed up by anxiety.

Elspeth - I've had it in my head aswell, literally just for a couple of seconds. Its like a big spasm goes from my chest, or sometimes from a bit lower, and it causes ripples right up into the head. My GP says it can all be explained by anxiety. Very scarey when it happens though.

18-05-07, 13:31
Im releived to find others get this too. Its exactly as you explained in the chest and I get the feeling that Im being smothered. It does only last a second but its worrying.

I deal with it, by just letting it pass and try so hard not to add additional fear.

Luv Darkangel :flowers:

13-06-07, 18:50
Thanks to all of you! I seem to get bouts of it. I'm trying to hold of going to the doctors at the moment, until I go on a few courses for anxiety and depression in a few weeks time. I guess it's just something else to add to my ever growing list of symptoms. :shades:

Edit: Also, to add, the tight throat feeling lasted a couple weeks then gradually eased of again. Which keeps my hopes up that it is anxiety causing this.

07-10-15, 17:14
I have felt this for as long as i can remember and it scares the life out of me but it seems we all suffer!

I tend to try and cough to get my breath back and stop it doing it if I can


Been struggling a bit recently, and this is exactly what I've had- I even cough to clear it !