View Full Version : Has anyone on here ever had pancreatitis?

28-07-17, 08:52
I'm waiting on results for pancreatitis and I'm having a panic attack as im scared
If it comes back positive that it'll turn into pancreatic cancer...

Anyone had pancreatitis and been able to live comfortably for a long time?

28-07-17, 16:13
Why is it that you think you have pancreatitis? Are you experiencing blood sugar issues?

28-07-17, 20:12
What do you mean results? Are you taking tests to see f you have pancreatitis?

I feel with you. I have been through that fear myself. I mean; I was foirst afraoid of pancreatities and then the fear morphed into the more violent fear of pancreatic cancer; just the word is freaking me out; every time I read or hear about someone who died form that I want to scream.

28-07-17, 22:41
Hi I had severe acute pancreatitis in 2008 due to gallstone blockage was on heavy sedation and I V antibiotics for almost 3 wks before having my gallbladder removed.To this day I have pain in area of my pancreas but I'm still here! And still under investigation with gastro:wacko:keep smiling I doubt very much you have anything wrong with your pancreas believe me...you would know about it.:hugs:

29-07-17, 02:42
Thanks for the replies! I've had abdominal and back pain so I had an ultrasound 3 days ago and found out this morning it showed gallstones.
I'm worried because I've had the pain for years and probably left it too long and am now worried they'll cause chronic pancreatitis from leaving them in too long I stupidly googled chronic pancreatitis and it says you eventually die from the pancreas dying ... I just never learn

My bloods showed normal lipase levels but the doctor said they only rule out acute pancreatitis not chronic ( which is the degrading of the pancreas type) the only way to test for chronic pancreatitis is more scans and I don't know whether going down that path is a good idea.

All of this is probably anxiety but for a bit of TMI I've also had oily stools which make me certain it's chronic pancreatitis and that I am on deaths door.

I'm really annoying my husband at the moment and I don't blame him.

Im out of control.

29-07-17, 05:24
When I was 17 yeah. I was partying a bit too much then and after a rather alcohol indulgent evening, I started getting stomach pains. It got so bad that I woke my parents and they took me to the hospital. I was in there a couple of days. I don't know if pancreatitis has sub categories like mild, chronic, acute etc. but I'll tell you this, I was one hurtin' pup!

Positive thoughts

29-07-17, 10:51
When I was 17 yeah. I was partying a bit too much then and after a rather alcohol indulgent evening, I started getting stomach pains. It got so bad that I woke my parents and they took me to the hospital. I was in there a couple of days. I don't know if pancreatitis has sub categories like mild, chronic, acute etc. but I'll tell you this, I was one hurtin' pup!

Positive thoughts

Fishmanpa, do you ever want to punch some of us out on this forum ?( especially the repetitive ones like me)

I noticed You never mention your own worries, you only fix other people's . You obviously have a lot of patience and empathy.

29-07-17, 14:55
When I was 17 yeah. I was partying a bit too much then and after a rather alcohol indulgent evening, I started getting stomach pains. It got so bad that I woke my parents and they took me to the hospital. I was in there a couple of days. I don't know if pancreatitis has sub categories like mild, chronic, acute etc. but I'll tell you this, I was one hurtin' pup!

Positive thoughts

Were you diagnosed with pancreatitis? At 17?

29-07-17, 16:07
Hi, what is it makes you think you have pancreatitis?

You say you're worried about chronic pancreatitis. In case it helps to reassure you at all, I'm a 43 year old recovering alcoholic, and something like 70% of cases or more of chronic pancreatitis are due to prolonged (as in decades long) continual abuse of alcohol.

29-07-17, 17:56
Were you diagnosed with pancreatitis? At 17?

Yep... I remember being in the ER literally screaming in pain. The last thing I remember is getting a shot of meds then waking up in the morning. I was sore as hell but yes, it was an acute case of pancreatitis from too much alcohol consumption.

Positive thoughts

30-07-17, 01:29
Thanks for the replies. The gallstones sent me on an anxious pancreas path but I'm trying not to google and focus on diet instead.
I only googled how to reduce gallstone pain and that's when I read the pancreas thing.

31-07-17, 07:44
My brother in law is just recovering from acute pancreatitis and he was extremely ill; doubled up in agony, extreme pain in abdomen and back (had to go into A&E), profusely sweating/fever, throwing up, dizzy and nausea. His blood count was through the roof. He is recovering well now.

I think you'd know if you had pancreatitis. Plus, even if you had this, it doesn't follow that you would develop pancreatic cancer. There is treatment for pancreatitis and people who have repeated bouts tend to be monitored. Like people say, it's usually alcohol induce but in my brother in law's case it was to do with high cholesterol.