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View Full Version : How do you feel when you wake up?

28-07-17, 11:12
Hi guys,

I've been curious to see how many of you are in the same boat as me and start feeling your symptoms from the moment you wake up. Just recently I always seem to wake up with a fuzzy head, almost as if there is white noise but inside my head and a little bit of dizziness too. I'll also often (but not always) have tinnitus to go along with it which makes getting out of bed in the mornings hell!

So how about you guys? Do you get the same sort of feelings? Do you feel worse in the mornings or do your symptoms progress as you go throughout the day?

Thanks for indulging me!


28-07-17, 13:00
I am the same, those uneasy feelings start as soon as I wake and carry on for most of the day.

28-07-17, 13:21
Mornings are the worst for me, I wake up and off they start. Always been the same.

For me it can be agitation issues, uneasiness, issues with aches & pains, weird heads, etc.

Cortisol is highest when we wake due to the natural rhythm so it would make sense that it's going to be worst in the morning. But then some are ok in the morning and worst at night. :shrug:

I do see an improvement within a couple of hours of waking though. I guess it's shaking off the excess by getting moving and eating/drinking. It's not easy to drag yourself out of it though when it's a bad one.

28-07-17, 13:58
The last few months mornings have been my worst, waking up with headaches, muscle aches/twinges and just feel rubbish! It does normally get better through out the day and I normally feel completely better by late evening.

28-07-17, 14:05
My morning lasts all day. Soon as I wake up the panic sets in, I try to avoid negative feelings, like I'm going to die, I'm gonna be feeling ill all day, I'm gonna faint, lose my mind, never get better, but they just flood in. I don know how to change that ? I even panic before I go to bed fearing waking up in the morning and it all starting again. Been like this for two weeks now. Sorry its a bit doom and gloom. Just letting you know you are not alone.

28-07-17, 14:53
My morning lasts all day. Soon as I wake up the panic sets in, I try to avoid negative feelings, like I'm going to die, I'm gonna be feeling ill all day, I'm gonna faint, lose my mind, never get better, but they just flood in. I don know how to change that ? I even panic before I go to bed fearing waking up in the morning and it all starting again. Been like this for two weeks now. Sorry its a bit doom and gloom. Just letting you know you are not alone.

And it makes the day one big slog just to get through...then you do it all over again with thoughts about not being able to take anymore and then sadly the other thought comes in about how anxiety can't harm you and you just have to struggle.

It's an exhausting stage of anxiety to be in and I remember it well so I hope you escape it soon.

28-07-17, 15:39
I wake up with an elevated heart rate (my resting, with no in anxiety hell, is about 58-63) and feelings of impending doom. It sucks. Not even a few moments of relief, until reality crowds in. It's like BOOM, here we go again!

28-07-17, 20:18
Thanks for your replies, guys

I always felt like I was alone with my symptoms but it's nice to see that I'm not alone and that there are other people out there who understand how you're feeling.

Keep fighting it guys and I wish you all a speedy recovery!


28-07-17, 20:30
Here's the perfect anxiety sufferer's coffee mug ;)


Positive thoughts