View Full Version : Up by 5mg or CBT away the negative intrusive thoughts

28-07-17, 12:05
OK, any experience on this or positive comments?

Been on 20mg paroxetine for 20 years until before Christmas last year when life events caused me to break down and I went up to 40mg. Since then I've had intermittent anxiety, depression and insomnia with some weeks being ok and on the route to recovery but little things knocking me back down. Currently a bout of tinnitus and a few too many drinks at a wedding has knocked me into a few weeks of depression which comes in waves triggered by random intrusive negative thoughts thoughts.

My counselling and training means I'm quite pragmatic and I do challenge these thoughts but overcoming the feeling they give me by rationalising them only works 50/50 atm.

Question is: Do I continue to try to strengthen my control over these thoughts using my brain power alone or do I finally relent to the fact my 40mg is barely covering my needs and another 5mg could stop me getting consistently knocked back down?