View Full Version : Worried about my daughter, please advise!

28-07-17, 13:14
I don't know if I'm being silly and over reacting here but I can't stop worrying about something.
My daughter is 9 and yesterday evening she complained that her finger felt a bit weird. The best way she can describe it is it's as if there is something wrapped around it and it's too tight. The reason I'm worrying is because she complained of something similar in both of her feet a few weeks ago but I was hoping that was caused by her new heely shoes. Her feet have been ok recently but yesterday this thing with her finger happened and she still has it today.
As my HA is very bad I don't know if I'm being rational to worry about this.
Something like MS is coming into my head. I don't even know if this can happen to 9 year olds (and I'm refusing to google to find out)
Can skin get too tight sometimes when kids are growing?
I really need some advice here. If I'm being irrational and it's just my HA taking over then I need to be told it and I'll deal with it as a HA issue.
She's not on any medication and is otherwise a happy healthy child.

28-07-17, 13:51
Only advice we can give is to see a doctor if in doubt but everyone experiences weird sensations, aches/pains, etc., and the majority of them are normal. She could be picking up on your HA too. I will say be careful about fretting, especially in front of her, because the last thing you want is a young child to have the same HA you have! Monitor her and if it continues then see a doc.

28-07-17, 17:15
That's kind of what I'm afraid of though. If I take her to the doctor and it turns out that I am just over reacting, then she'll know that. I know I've gone to the doctor in the past when I shouldn't have - it was just my HA flaring up.
One part of my brain is telling me to go to doc with her, the other part is saying don't be stupid, you can't take her to the doctor over something like that.
How do we know where to draw the line between what's HA and what is real?