View Full Version : I don't belive it!!!!

15-05-07, 21:23
Can anyone telle me what this feeling is i've got now? It's a 'i cannot believe i have just done that' feeling. Is this linked to unreality or depression or what? I'm wondering if it has something to do with when my PTSD started and the 'i cannot believe i've just been through that and i have done that' feeling i think was there, can't really remember. Does anyone else have this feeling, i know that i have been work today but i can't believe i've done it!! Does this make sense or not? LOL.
Is this feeling a step backwards or an improvement. I am still getting the unreality and 'fuzzy, woozy and dizzy' feelings all the time, especially when i move my head, and of course those blasted ectopic heart beats. But now i don't know if this is a sign of improvement or a warning. Any ideas please.x

15-05-07, 22:48
Oh, I'd take it as a sign of improvement angiebaby!

If you've been and done something you thought you couldn't do, does it matter if you can't remember every little detail?

The most important thing is that you DID IT....JFDI !!!!!

The more you tell yourself you did it, the more you'll believe it - believe me!!



15-05-07, 23:11
i think i know the feeling you mean, you know you did it but you don't feel like you did. i sometimes get it about my name, i don't feel like it's my name. i often get it about my job, i don't believe i work there (like the feeling you get when you first start a job and it's unfamiliar) even tho i've worked there 7 months. i sometimes even don't believe i go out with my partner (we've been together 6 years, i hope he doesn't read this).
when i'm "well" i do it more than when i'm anxious and having lots of pas.
i think it's mild unreality and i'd definatlet rather have it than the falling out of my body feeling i get sometimes. it usually only happens when i'm thinking to hard so as soon as i try to distract myself it passes.
so i think it's a good sign because the unreality is becoming milder...

15-05-07, 23:32
Oh thankyou for the replies, it is so good to know that you are not alone in these very distressing symptoms.xx

16-05-07, 04:06
Seems to be a rash of this going around.Come to rural Colorado ..I think the whole community is suffering from this including myself.The light is strange here and the nights strange as well.. The sounds ..thats a laugh what sound..it dead . .more than any cemetery I have ever been too.

Sometimes I step out in my backyard to shoot my rifle,pistol,shotgun,what have you .Yes its legal here and perfectly normal for this place..I do this just so there will be some sound.

The dogs and horses arent too keen on it but they get over it.. The weather is sunny one moment and beautiful ,next you are getting 40 mph gust of wind blowing the windows that you had open to bits and the blinds to shredded wheat..

The air seems so thick sometimes that you can cut it with a knife and you arent sure you just did what you did..As a matter of fact I was writing here and forgot what I was saying getting to a point..

See you arent the only one and if you want to experience what you thought you did and not remember most moments come to Colorado lol..
Its the mysterious valley syndrome. I think its spreading...Good luck and God Bless you and yes I think its pretty normal to have this when you have anxiety and on the other hand its rampid here so the whole place must be full of anxious people.

Anxious I don't know why other than the freaky things this place does to you lol..Take care..Michael