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View Full Version : I 'came out' about health anxiety to the GP today

28-07-17, 17:03
Hi there

I have always had issues with health anxiety but recently they have sort of spiralled out of control, leaving me often feeling dizzy and nauseous (and I definitely don't have a bug), unable to eat etc.

I went to the doctor today and cried in the consulting room! He was amazing. We spoke for a long time and he said he could do investigative tests for the stomach issues have have been experiencing if I wanted, but he felt that that would probably just increase anxiety, and if they were clear (which he thinks they would be) I would just move on to something else.

He suggested instead trying to treat the anxiety. He said the physical symptoms are real, but they are most likely caused by the brain and not an illness.

So he has given me duloxetine and propanolol. I was wondering if anyone else is on or has taken these? I felt almost like a failure for having admitted there is a problem, but actually I just want to be shot of it. I don't want to tell any of my family apart from my husband as I am a bit embarrassed. We are going on holiday soon and there are warnings on the packets about not drinking alcohol with these meds, so I am not sure how to get around that, as they will definitely wonder!

GP was lovely anyway and squeezed me into a fully-booked day next week for a follow up. I just hope it works and would love to know if anyone else has tried something similar?

28-07-17, 17:29
Very recently did this myself, Thursday in fact. I like yourself find myself very dizzy, lightheaded and in a bubble walking on a trampoline. Sounds like your doctor was better than mine, as mine was very brief and didn't really put my mind at ease even though he checked out every lump and bump I had, I was prescribed sertraline and was told nothing except take 25ml then 50ml after one week. I can't really answer your questions, just wanted to share my experience with you.

---------- Post added at 17:29 ---------- Previous post was at 17:27 ----------

I just wanted to add, congrates for finally coming out to your doctor, it was years in the making for me too, so I can totally understand the tears, and fears and anxiety.