View Full Version : Tired of deja vu, and other symptoms

28-07-17, 17:42
Man, I'm just so sick of this.

I get deja vu triggered by anything, daily. These moments can last briefly or for a long time. I then obsess over these thoughts. My doctor says it's derealization, but I want to know if anyone has felt like this before with their anxiety. Some of my other physical symptoms include random headache jolts, usually on one side of my head. Sometimes I get random tiny blurry spots in my vision. Also, I get constant floaters and visual snow. My feet vibrate at times, too. I also feel sorta "out of it" at times.

I really, really, hope this isn't temporal lobe epilepsy. I made the mistake of googling during a bad derealization attack a few months ago. I think it would be a waste to go get tested at a doctor because I've gotten tests for other previous health anxieties which turned out to be negative. Deep down I know this is just anxiety but this deja vu thing especially is freaky.

29-07-17, 17:17
Anyone else? :unsure:

30-07-17, 13:01
Yes. Very similar. Haven't googled and trying really hard not to now! No words of wisdom I'm afraid but lots of empathy.

31-07-17, 18:18
Yes. Very similar. Haven't googled and trying really hard not to now! No words of wisdom I'm afraid but lots of empathy.

Yep I've already done all the googling for you. :roflmao:

I know that famous anxietycentre symptom list has deja vu on there. The uncommon anxiety symptoms are always the ones that freak me out the most because it makes the "what if" thinking way worse!

If it's anything to go by, my psychologist is certain it's just anxiety too. I'm just afraid in a few years I'll get a real seizure and I missed the warning signs. That's catastrophic thinking though, just another anxious cognitive distortion.

Sorry for ranting on but yeah.