View Full Version : Please help - swollen lymph node???

28-07-17, 17:46
Hi Everyone,

My health anxiety is over the top right now and I'm trying to calm myself down and not run to the doctor.

I have what appears to be a swollen lymph node on the right side of my groin - one of the inguinal nodes. It's about 1cm X 0.5 cm. It's stuck around for a couple months now - or at least that's when I noticed it. The only reason I noticed it was because it's visible when standing in front of a mirror. I'm a fairly small/active person so I'm not sure if would appear more obvious as my doctor felt it was only visible while standing and I had to point it out to him. It hasn't grown at all in size since I first saw it...but it hasn't shown signs of going away either.

My doctor is fully aware of my health anxiety. He said it was likely due to either my body fighting off a minor infection in the area or even something as simple as an ingrown hair. He said he wasn't going to ultrasound it as he wasn't concerned. He said it felt benign and "like a bean". It is not tender whatsoever.

I had a full blood work up, urinalysis and physical last week and the only thing that off was my iron levels which were borderline (not anemic, just low iron). I've had so many tests in the past 2 years. Normal pelvic, transvaginal ultrasound & saline sonohysterogram in March 2017, normal pap in July 2016 - gyno did a cervix check this past March and normal. Normal colonoscopy in Nov 2016, normal breast ultrasound, normal brain MRI...the list goes on.

The lymph node popped up of course after all of the tests I've had. I started CBT and was feeling better until now. I have a new doctor that I really like and I'm doing my best to not ask for tests just simply for peace of mind. I'm really trying to learn that not every symptom I have is a medical emergency...it's just been hard.

I'm scared it's something more serious. Of course, google has only shown me the worst case scenarios which just freaks me out even more. Is it possible for lymph nodes to stick around for this long and not be anything to worry about? I have been poking/prodding it since I first noticed it because I didn't know what it was. I have been trying not to though since I saw my doctor.

Thank you for your replies...I really appreciate it.

28-07-17, 19:44
I have had a lymph node the same size in my neck for years and years, I got it checked and it is was where my body was fighting an a infection, sometimes they can stay like that. Also poking and prodding it will keep it up/make it more swollen, try and leave it alone for a few days then have a look.

29-07-17, 17:13
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I've mentioned in past posts that I work in pharma so I think my mind just automatically goes to worse case scenarios rather than more realistic scenarios. I've just never had a lymph mode pop up like that. I think it's a good thing my doctor isn't ultra sounding the node...in all likelihood it would just make me feel worse waiting.

Health anxiety sucks.